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  1. X

    Show us what you shot.

    I wouldn't know !! Don't know but could afford this machine, HIGH quality motors, escs and retracts only 1699.00 ARF on special. Those others are twice that price, I'll keep this one. LOL Plugged in my NAZA M V2 and added the eagle eye mount which took an hour to balance BOLTED right on. Was...
  2. X

    Show us what you shot.

    This is entire commercial but you pros can find the aerial segments :) Hope you like it. Used Rotorbotz D800-X8 and Eagle Eye mount, 5D MKIII. Nice work also used Red Epic on SteadiCam Jib .. ETC Check out the Rotorbotz D800
  3. X

    NEW D800-X8 Y=Tested today. AWESOME.

    I am going to use this gimbal with NEW Alexmos 32bit 3 axis controller. True Basecam !! Comes with it CHEAP. Eagle Eye
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    NEW D800-X8 Y=Tested today. AWESOME.

    I did a unboxing video, but haven't uploaded it yet. here is a link to it. Anyway, Used a NAZA M V2 and dual 5000ma batteries. I have never seen anything personally fly this well. It is just say, incredible is a Understatement. It has the screw type retracts,(Ultra Smooth) uses 2s...
  5. X

    XAircraft Parts & Electronics NEW !!!! LOADS !!!! Save Money

    This thread is for PARTS from Closed XAircraft Website. Parts for X450 Pro X650 V4 X650 V8 X650 Pro DIY HEXA DIY X4 & X8 _______________________________________________________________________ E3007 10A UltraPWM ESC 15.00 ea...
  6. X

    HD Night Vision Professional, NOT Chinese Crap ... Zenonics SupeVision 1/2 price

    Zenonics SuperVision Video Out Tactical Package !!!! This Night Vision Video camera is made in the USA. Is military grade. You can use this on AV130, AV200, Zenmuze 5D and Eagle Eye Mounts + lots more. *Fits most standard DSLR camera mounts, give your company HD night vision SnR capabilities...