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  1. navycut81

    My 1st build. (F550 custom)

    I had issues with my naza m v2 on my tbs disco with custom pro upgrade with aerial mob upgrade running 3506-25 650kv t motors and spinning 14x6 tmotor beechwoods on 3s 6000 mah AUW of 4.2 lbs 720 mm motor to motor I was getting a bad rocking of my platform upon throttle up and quick decent...
  2. navycut81

    using the DJI Phantom 2 battery on a custom quadcopter

    Hello, I still would do what Carapau recommended, but from personal experience you can re-purpose I dji smart battery to work with any multirotor that is big enough to fly it. But with this being said there is a marginal improvement on flight times. But its not worth buying a new smart...
  3. navycut81

    FS: Headplay googles

    have they been sold yet??? also how do they look and also how well do they sit over your eyes?? do they block out the sun well??
  4. navycut81

    Want to use xt60s on a 8awg wire but the wire is too big

    these are the connectors I would recommend you using. they are a crimp on style connector ie no solder joint to worry about and they can be configured in any way , t-slot, in line, also you cannot connect the wrong polarity no matter what configuration you use...
  5. navycut81

    Blackout Hex w/ Vector

    here are a couple quick pictures of my blackout hex with vector installed
  6. navycut81

    Canada sUAV regulations moving forward

    there back up at a different link it looks like they just added a small amendedment for maac members at there fields, but I haven't had a chance to go through the whole thing again yet o_O
  7. navycut81

    Vector FC plus OSD

    I personally highly recommend the vector IMHO it seem so far to be a rock solid platform for my hex, installation is a breeze, just solder the pmu to your power distribution board, everything else video, transmitter, mic, is all done with standard servo connectors plus the added bonus of a full...
  8. navycut81

    Vector FC plus OSD

    yes as Gary answered there is waypoints but not autonomous waypoints, waypoints are engaged through a fight switch on your controler
  9. navycut81

    Aerial Mob replacement parts???

    Allright just a follow up I managed to find spare aerial mob parts from a guy in Vancouver BC his website is $29 for 2 frame mounts and 1 cf tube plus $10 shipping
  10. navycut81

    Vector FC plus OSD

    Heres a couple laptop cam pictures of my blackout with everything all jambed inside., she isn't pretty but the winters are long here in Ontario so I have lots of time to tear her apart and clean her up side note, im running dragon link and a RMRC 1.3 video all within 4 inches of each other...
  11. navycut81

    Vector FC plus OSD

    i can speak for the vector on a blackout hex i love it, its simple like naza as far as plug and play is concerned but has the GUI that rivals open pilots gui as far as ease of fine tuning the pids, eagle tree everything you could possibly need out of a fc i will be buying another I currenty own...
  12. navycut81

    Aerial Mob replacement parts???

    hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum, but i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get replacement parts for my poor little bird. i had a little off level landing and long story short broke 2 of the frame mounts at the tightning screw below the cf tube and also cracked one...