When I was at Bestbuy in early January, I bought the GoPro3 Hero black AND a discounted JVC Adixxion GC-XA1 action camera (It was ONLY $169)
I hope to do a similar test video, but How did you get both streams into the same window?
Newly revamped DJI - F550 with ipower 2814q-750kv motors, 10" Graupners props.
Newly built TBS Disco with ipower 2217q-880kv motors, 8" Graupners props.
Today I test flew both.
The F550 flew ok on 4S 5300 (Gens Aces ... wow its a heavy pack), but it flew more adjile on 3S.
The Disco flew ok...
I'm trying to setup my TBS disco with the AR8000 and NAZA. Cant get the motors to arm.
At first the AR8000 would keep loosing its bind. I think that's fixed now. Ideas on Arming? I need to verify my trims are all zero.
I hear ya on that Ken! They are only 4 miles from my house. Week before last I was able to put a web ording in on a Thursday night (late) and pick it up the next morning at 9am. WOW!
I saw in a post the since the higher Mah rating and bigger size does not equal ore flight time.
AND I see the maximum height is 42mm from the red posts (tubes) on the TBS.
What is the maximum size battery that can give the most fligth time in a TBS?
Maximum weight i read should be no more...
Are you running 5.8ghz for video and then EzUHF for RC control? How does that work?
I've not dealt with UHF before. I so far only have used 5.8 for video and 2.4 for RC Control.