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  1. M

    SkyJib/AeroDrive 8 Crash Video

    Well, don't bet on the German customer support, we have troubles since February, still no solution in sight. But Plettenberg said, that the Herkules v3 will work with the Orbit 15. What a bright ray of hope...
  2. M

    Pletternberg motors

    Sorry about your Aerodrive, we burnt (with flames!) two Hercules II v3 aswell in January, but still don't know what caused this. Since we really tested a lot of different prop combinations, escapes and engines in the last months, we can say that the Orbit 15 are not suitable (at least ours)...
  3. M

    Pletternberg motors

    Well, manufacturer and dealer of the Orbits are still consultingresistant, it seems that the engines are the problem. Since there is another big company having these issues, it will hopefully come to an end.
  4. M

    Pletternberg motors

    One more thing: We're using the Kontronic Kora 15/16 engines and the KW8 from kopterworx now, with 5s and Aerodrive. No problems at all.
  5. M

    SkyJib/AeroDrive 8 Crash Video

    Hope this helps:
  6. M

    Pletternberg motors

    Okay, although we're still argueing with Plettenberg to get the money back, I will post our experiences since the first SkyJibs are falling from the sky: We started to test the engines back in February with the Herkules board II v3, but two boards went up in flames during testing at about 50%...
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    Pletternberg motors

    What happened?
  8. M

    Pletternberg motors

    Well, there are two problems: 1. You have to get the max setpoint in the BL-firmware down to 190-220, depending on the props you're using. 2. When hoovering and applying a faster throttle burst, the engines can't deliver the torque to spin up the props fast enough and the copter starts to tilt...
  9. M

    Hey Boris! Ich bin einer der anderen, die mit den Orbits Probleme haben, kann dir gerne ein...

    Hey Boris! Ich bin einer der anderen, die mit den Orbits Probleme haben, kann dir gerne ein Flugvideo dazu schicken. Ich bin auch seit dem Auffallen der Problematik Anfang Februar mit Michael Achtapodov und Johannes Thor (Nick Blattsalat) in Kontakt. Wenn es dich interessiert, würde ich mich...
  10. M

    Parallel Setup - Warning Bullet Connectors

    Or use XT150 for bigger ones. Edit: Oh, just saw in the picture that you're talking about the XT 150 connectors, how did you connect them the other way round? One connection is bigger than the other, no way to get them together the other way round?
  11. M

    Picloc 3x setting experience etc.

    Sorry. Nothing tuned, only rubber dampers. Standard parts SkyJib 8.
  12. M

    Picloc 3x setting experience etc.

    Okay, will try it. No, cam was hard mounted on the AV200 today, Picloc is aswell mounted just with adhesive doublesided tape, no foam or gel.
  13. M

    Picloc 3x setting experience etc.

    I've still some troubles with the latest beta release software and an AV200 360 gimbal. Picloc3XPro is mounted on a holder above the cam, using a Graupner GR12 receiver and a Jeti BEC (6V). Settings are the default AV200 ones, with some minor tweaks. Sometimes the gimbal homeposition just moves...
  14. M

    Picloc 3x setting experience etc.

    Well, the Picloc finally get's better. I'm using it with the AV200 360 and with the latest firmwares it's quite usable. But two things annoy me a little bit... First: The pan servo still jitters when moving slowly, we're using a Savox 1258TG with a Graupner GR-12 receiver. Second: Sometimes...
  15. M

    Selling 8x Orbit 15-20

    Price Update: 110,- Euros each, shown prop adapters included.
  16. M

    Selling 8x Orbit 15-20

    Oh, my fault. :nevreness:
  17. M

    Selling 8x Orbit 15-20

    *sent back to Plettenberg*
  18. M

    Aerodrive 8 vs Herkules II what's better for a DJI

    I got a "don't try it" mail from Andreas when I mentioned using the Orbits. Now I got an Aerodrive Board, this will soon be ready for DJI too (other controller board). Quadro and Hexa Aerodrive are coming too afterwards.
  19. M

    Lesson learned,,, the hard way

    Had a similar accident last year and nearly lost 1cm of my mid finger. I was flying on the balcony, getting ready for landing on the table with my small PowerQuad. Suddenly a light breeze seized the copter nearer to the wall, and since it was in close range, I just grabbed it by instinct from...
  20. M

    Aerodrive 8 vs Herkules II what's better for a DJI

    Yes, that's true. We're testing the DJY components now, because it seems to give as more options in the future concerning power boards. But it's still not there where we want it to be, many options promised, we will see in the next months. We will go with the Aerodrive board for now, but I'm...