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    Aeronavics / Droidworx Droidworx AD-3 Specs vs. eCalc

    Thanks. I tried your suggestion and it makes for interesting tweaks on the set-up, but all in all - even given the +/-15% margin for error - it seems to be cutting it too fine. Yet these are the recommended components for the frame. I reckon I'll run it on 10"ers first. Thanks for the input...
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    Aeronavics / Droidworx Droidworx AD-3 Specs vs. eCalc

    Thanks Jes. It does, at that! But when I choose 2x4000mAh batteries, it goes back into the red... I didn't think that would matter.
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    Aeronavics / Droidworx Droidworx AD-3 Specs vs. eCalc

    This may be idiocy on my part, but I would like a learned opinion from a kind veteran, if I may. Got the Droidworx AD-3 Standard Lift frame and AXI 2217-20 motors, SimonK-flashed DYS 30A ESCs and plan to run it on one or two 4000mAh Turnigy Nanotechs, 4s, 25-50c. The last part is the only...
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    Hi from Perth Western Australia

    G'day Mike. I'm Nick from North Perth. Gave up on RC as a poor child, but now that there are multirotors and accelerometers and microcontrollers that are all relatively cheap, I've gotten into it. Still pretty green, only been a couple of years. Flying DJI stuff at the moment, started...
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    Nick, Perth, Western Australia

    Basically a Newbie, I've been playing with quadcopters for only a year and a half. The first 6 months were the ARdrone, coming in cold to RC world and wanting something with more grunt and range. The next six months were barely off the ground building and learning via the Arducopter. The last...
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    Qav500 builds

    Handy tip, thanks
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    Droidworx Frame Giveaway contest

    I will install a speaker chanting Danger Will Robinson. I will also break it a lot and have to buy a lot of parts. It's good business.