Brandnew Naza M - Strange Behavior (Attitude Drops and Gains)


Hello all,

maidened my brandnew AP Hexa today ( F550 with MT 2216-11, Optos, 10'Graups, new Naza M, Droidworx LG, Av130 with RSGS).

After some minute od successful hovering(Atti and GPS) , in GPS Mode i had attitude drops of 5 feet wich i had to contrast strongly with WOT, and viceversa,after that the Hexa climbed way to strong with Throttle at 50%.
After landing and rebooting the FC i had that prob again after some minute of hovering... I had that problem only in GPS Mode.
View attachment 7154

-For now i've installed already 3 DJI Systems without Probs, all is well setted and calibrated in the assistant
-The Hex is 3,1 KG AUW, may that to be much for a Naza System? Before mounting the Gimbal i did not had that problem.
-The GPS is not mounted on the Mast for now
-Have already installed the latest SW and FW
-Temperature differnce can not be an issue, the Hex was out for 10 mins before flying

My only solution for now is to mount the GPS Module on the Mast, but i do not think that that will change something?




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Was the Sun directly on the left side of the Naza controller?
Many have reported the internals are affected when in those modes and put a piece if black electrical tape on that side.

I cut a small piece of material (like packing paper) and have that taped to the side just incase.


Aerial DP
has to be what it is.... the new nazas seem to do it. we have threads here, rcgroups and fpvlab about it


Merlin of Multirotors
I just looked at the specs for those motors and I'd say the problem is you're trying to lift too much weight with motors that can't handle it. According to the specs the MT-2216 will produce around 960 grams of thrust on the Graupner prop so 6 of them will give you 5760 grams of thrust. You state your all up weight as 3.1 kg or 6200 grams, the math doesn't work, you have less thrust available than you have weight to carry.

Chances are that what is happening is the motors are drawing so much current trying to lift the weight that after a minute or two the ESCs start hitting thermal overload and reduce power, as they cool a bit the lift comes back for a short time until they go into shutdown again.

I wouldn't try flying this setup at any more than about 2 feet off the ground, any higher and it's likely to either do a flip of death or just fall out of the sky. Reduce the weight or get bigger motors.



Thanks you all for your answers guys!

@ des jardins: The Naza Controlles stays between the 2 plates...maybe some ray of light touched it yes, but in that case i had to be lost my Disco around 100 times :)
@kloner hu, i'll do a better look now to the foruns around, thanks
@Ken: 3,1 kg is 3100 grams, thanks anyway :) Damn pound/kg conversions :)


Damn, that really seems to be my prob, found also this:
Cannot go out for testing now, my wife will kill me, really, have spent the last 2 evenings in my hobby room to build the Hex.
Will try that tomorrow, thanks kloner for advice, anyway, if thats the problem i will change the Naza`s between Disco and F550 wich carries 2k$ of Gimbal/LG and Cam :)

kloner you live in such a great place, one day i'll grab my Zeph and Disco and join you there for some air 2 air!



Aerial DP
your welcome on my couch anytime........ just gotta get here

The black tape has totaly cured mine. I've tried making it do it and can't. The newer flight controllers feel better to me. the naza itself has a red light inside. your other one probably has a green and yellow inside.


Merlin of Multirotors
See what happens when you try to use your brain before its fully caffenated... ;)

I think I'll charge some batteries and go finish dialing in my Droidworx AD6 and AV130 setup, that I can handle



Ok Guys, just fyi, had some hovering today morning before sunrise : No problems seen, thanks for your help!



Gettin Old
I had exactly the same problem when i first set up my naza and i figured it out to be when i faced the sun with the left side of the naza it would drop

so i played around sheilding the naza in different ways and it was always resolved by covering the left side and only the left side with blackout tape
all good problem fixed but it is still poor quality control from DJI that this made it to the customer even if it is an easy solution

I am going to take the case off the naza and paint that side black inside to fix it

HERE IS MY PROBLEM ..Quad Loosing and Gaining Altitude when yaw is applied:
Help My Quad with Naza and GPS has started to act strange when applying yaw(rudder) while in hover as well when going foward and then turning. In a level hover when I apply rudder in a turn at least 90% in one direction the quad will loose about 50 + feet in altitude. and then when I turn in the same direction it will gain that amount or more in altitude, It doesn't matter in what direction I turn, Left or right. I can go left it will drop, go left it will go up,, if I go left and then right it will do the same. I have updated software and firmware wrote it to the NAZA and done a compass calibration and no change ,, PleasE Help. Mike
After reading posts I will go try mine in the dark. I have lights on it>
