Opto ESCs vs. SimonK ESCs?

Opto means no bec onboard. Simonk flashed esc perform faster than any available esc except herkules boards and castle creations esc's.


Active Member
"Opto" refers to Opto-isolation, the separation of the signal side of an ESC from the power side by an opto-isolator component. This is designed for high-power setups where one side may interfere with the other. It doesn't affect "speed".

SimonK, Castle and a few others have created MR-specific ESCs that remove the usual throttle-input smoothing that ESCs designed for planes will apply, making the response of the ESC to stabilizing commands from the FC much "snappier". And, yes, the difference is absolutely worth it!


Aerial DP
the opto he's asking about are the dji opto 30 amp

the simonK will let you raise your gains higher and have a better flying heli


Airborne Media Pros
I might get the SimonK, noticed that NextLevel now offers SimonK Flashed ESCs. I won't be getting the Castel Creations as that will cost over $600. just for ESCs Ourch.


Aerial DP
Garret is getting a batch of the ipower pre flashed, 10-60 amp, the 30 and 40 are less than $18 ea or about that,,, the post is here someplace

i tried flashing these things, made a clothes pin thing and it never flashed one, but i blew up 2 esc's trying. that stuffs hard for some reason, it's just 6 wires too, would think it'd be easy

yea, i'm with ya on the castle, if it was a big money lifter then no expenses spared, but even just a little nex5 rig, f that. All helis and planes i have are ICE controllers, but no way i'd buy 6 controllers for a 550


Aerial DP
there are alot of each on the discos in a trhead thousands of replies now. on opto they tend to gain em manual 140-170, on simonK they look more like 170-200
