The next rig for Yonder Blue Films - "Less Is More"


Benjamin seam's like your going with the movi so i would think you want something that can carry dslr's on it. i don't know the weight of the m5 but should of course be considered. Since you got the octo already for me imho an x8 would be a little redundant unless your going for space saving. the y6 sound's cool though- the only thing is a wee bit off efficiency lost on coaxial setups but i have seen much less yaw issues on those platforms with 2 axis gimbals compared to hex's or quad's so they fly nice and straight and are less bothered by wind it seems and with more efficient motor's arriving the result wouldn't be a real issue compared to flat hex setup today efficiency wise.
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Welcome to!!
wait a second Rowland...your little thread title just hit me, what do you mean "Less is more"?? Have you been talking to Denny? What happened to More is More? say it, more is feels good no? more is more, more is more, more is more!!! i need a beer.


I can vote plus one for the Freefly MoVI. I am flying the M10 and... it.just. plain. works. Easy balancing. no fussing. Of course, if you wait a couple months, maybe Alexmos will be equally user friendly.


Welcome to!!
I can vote plus one for the Freefly MoVI. I am flying the M10 and... it.just. plain. works. Easy balancing. no fussing. Of course, if you wait a couple months, maybe Alexmos will be equally user friendly.

do i say thank you or FU! you probably just cost me $5000!!! :)


do i say thank you or FU! you probably just cost me $5000!!! :)
haha! how do you think I felt having to drop $15K? when I know the hardware is less than $1k. Most painful purchase I ever made. But I had jobs coming and I did not have time to mess around with Alexmos, so I felt I had to do it.


the m5 is being designed to be easier to balance with different setup's and that's why it has taken them longer then initially planned. there was a design change from the original m5 design according to freefly. if anyone has operated a stedicam just zooming on a zoom lens from 24mm-35mm will require a rebalance same with the movi-something to consider any design change to make this as fast as possible will be helpful. Some use particular zoom lenses like the canon 24-70 2.8l on steadicam's because with that lens the zoom does not throw of the balance as much as other zoom lenses meaning not all zoom lenses cog wise are similar when zooming. most zoom lenses extend the barrel when zooming and some the opposite happens, the 24-70 2.8l actually retracts the barrel. for steadycam people they would balance this lens slighty pitched forward when at 24mm then when they wanted to use the 70mm focal length the steady cam would be perfectly straight. something to consider when using lenses on gimbal's or stedicam's.
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the m5 is being designed to be easier to balance with different setup's and that's why it has taken them longer then initially planned. there was a design change from the original m5 design according to freefly.

That's good news. The M10 is pretty easy to balance (compared to the competition). If they improve upon that, that will be great.

I would sell my soul for a working gimbal. I can fly. i have spent 30 years of my life learning that, if a gimbal could hang I’d be Ben.

wait a second Rowland...your little thread title just hit me, what do you mean "Less is more"?? Have you been talking to Denny? What happened to More is More? say it, more is feels good no? more is more, more is more, more is more!!! i need a beer.

More is more. :black_eyed:


Aerial Fun
I'd probably go with the hex and also try the Carvec G-Lock system. It seems to have the potential to be able to balance and re-balance pretty easily. With your resume, they'd probably comp you or give you a significant discount on what you need for your testing and feedback. Glock with decent gimbal would probably be less than $1600 for BMPC, Gh3, Gh4, 5d Mark II or 3. You already have a gimble you could test the glock system with. Maybe Droider could hook you up with the Carvec peeps.

With a couple big 6s batteries and low KV motors, it seems that 16-18 min flights are possible on the hex. With Avroto 3515's and 15" props, I'm getting 13 minutes + on a quad carrying my hacked gh2. Going to try the gh3 when weather clears. Then try an x8 with the 3515's.

Disclaimer, I'm not in the same league with the posters on this thread, but since I'm spending lots of time on 2 low kv builds which have similar needs, so thought I'd put my opinion in.


XY8 sure makes a lot of sense in terms of field of view and portability (more rectangle than square). I also like the fact it allows for better battery placement across the nearest arms. As far as flight quality is concerned, are there any noticeable differences compared to a plain coax X8? Thinking of switching ...


Drone Enthusiast
I have a Hoverfly Pro and my XY8 is the best flying rig I've ever had. So far it seems the SuperX is the only one that doesnt like the asymmetrical layout. Though Xaircraft have themselves an asymmetrical layout so maybe they will have that configuration as an option in the next firmware release.


Welcome to!!
I have a Hoverfly Pro and my XY8 is the best flying rig I've ever had. So far it seems the SuperX is the only one that doesnt like the asymmetrical layout. Though Xaircraft have themselves an asymmetrical layout so maybe they will have that configuration as an option in the next firmware release.

flies as well as any other frame.

update on the HF saga.............

video from a flight today, XY8, Hoverfly PRO/GPS, MN4012 motors, 14" props, my gimbal (2 axis servo w/ HF GIMBAL Controller), Canon t2i, still playing with manual exposure settings


Drone Enthusiast
This thread should be in the Beginner section! You get this many guys operating at this level, and this is how noobs like me learn 10x more than I would surfing most threads... :)

Look forward to seeing how all the options pan out.


Drone Enthusiast
flies as well as any other frame.

update on the HF saga.............

video from a flight today, XY8, Hoverfly PRO/GPS, MN4012 motors, 14" props, my gimbal (2 axis servo w/ HF GIMBAL Controller), Canon t2i, still playing with manual exposure settings

Nice one Bart.. you can see the difference between this and brushless for sure BUT for peeps getting in to this then servo based gimbals like Barts on his X8 is a good staring point untill the work flows that much you can justify a $15/20 SHELL OUT ON A M10

