XAircraft Stella Gimbal


I should have the Stella this Wednesday. I looked the manual yesterday but where I am confused is that the Futaba receiver has one s-bus port which is going to the Naza. Now I need a second s-bus port for the Stella.


I should have the Stella this Wednesday. I looked the manual yesterday but where I am confused is that the Futaba receiver has one s-bus port which is going to the Naza. Now I need a second s-bus port for the Stella.

All you need is a y - servo cable. Plug the common end into your receiver and then over end into the naza and the other into the Stella.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


Take no prisoners
I should have the Stella this Wednesday. I looked the manual yesterday but where I am confused is that the Futaba receiver has one s-bus port which is going to the Naza. Now I need a second s-bus port for the Stella.

From the manual you read yesterday!


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From the manual you read yesterday!

I think you have misunderstood what Idahobell is having an issue with. He knows where to connect sbus to the Stella. What he doesn't seem to understand is sbus is 'bus' style connection as opposed to point-to-point as with traditional Rx channels.

If you made half the effort to actually assist instead of of being a smart arse, you might not come across as such a d**k.


I have to agree with Skquad. I solved my issue of only having one s-bus port on my receiver by purchasing a Futaba s-bus hub off eBay. Now I have three ports.


Of course you do!, I'm glad this DH was able to help you with your misunderstanding of the functions of GoPro looking forward to helping you in the future :livid:

David, you make giving people backhanded complements and damning them with faint praise an art form. You seem to be knowledgeable about the SX and RC in general but you'd rather correct 'they're' grammar or provide condescending advice.

I think I read that you were retired, I would have guessed you were a 14 year old locked in a basement in Ballarat.

You could just try being nice to people.


Take no prisoners
I would have guessed you were a 14 year

And I would have guessed you were..................... but I would have been wrong! your post serves NO purpose other than to be provocative! had you wanted to counsel me in life skills you should avail yourself of the PM function and not drive a topic OT.


You mean keep on topic like your previous posts.

Whatever. Your right, its me, and everyone else who's tired of your snarky attitude.


Take no prisoners
You mean keep on topic like your previous posts.

Whatever. Your right, its me, and everyone else who's tired of your snarky attitude.

Then simply ignore me and your life will be much better

I am not running for 'office' or any popularity contest okay!


I think you have misunderstood what Idahobell is having an issue with. He knows where to connect sbus to the Stella. What he doesn't seem to understand is sbus is 'bus' style connection as opposed to point-to-point as with traditional Rx channels.

If you made half the effort to actually assist instead of of being a smart arse, you might not come across as such a d**k.

completely agree..........


David, you make giving people backhanded complements and damning them with faint praise an art form. You seem to be knowledgeable about the SX and RC in general but you'd rather correct 'they're' grammar or provide condescending advice.

I think I read that you were retired, I would have guessed you were a 14 year old locked in a basement in Ballarat.

You could just try being nice to people.

Completely agree.....again


I just got my Stella. I had roll problem. My Stella wasn´t horisontally level yesterday?

First day I got problem (meaby windows firewall/avast) after firmware update exe-file didn´t open. It propably updated ok anyway. I did this first flight 1 battery after rain in 20 knots, so this was just first test, I couldn´t analyze more about this flight how things work:

But this second video I am working now, was shoting yesterday eve. Roll just was out of level in all my 3 different flights after new and succesful and working firmware update?

Any experience about that kind of problem? Still have to tune vibrations and google gains on x650 side etc.
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Now I finally red this whole tread through. So is it, just when I have Futaba, I share S-bus to SuperX and Stella? So I can finetune my roll on the fly to archieve proper material to my work?
I am not happy this roll issue. It just isn´t holding? Come on :)! Do any one else have this same issue? Just tell it here?

Here my tired RAW edit from yesterdays last flight. Only on last clip I edited my horizon to level as keyframes from -1 to -4 degrees between ground and treelevel to sea view:

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Some have a 'drift' issue when static, on the bench, but not reported in flight, not seen any roll issues reported in flight, I suggest you go to this forum http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2067792 towards the end XAircraft have suggested a reset method, that might help.


Big thanks! Found it and readed whole topic.


Because of wind on RCGROUPS, there was handy solution to stiffen rubbers with aluminium sticks to get rid of yello in strong wind..

Im still new gopro user to aerial filming :). Is this just gimbal problem, or sun and framerate etc? HEH! This was 1,5h before my gig. I was a "bit" stressed. Sorry this is in finnish but thit I was shooting 50p and in the last ones 25p there is totally diffenent, meaby it was just some tilt motor sheke just on same speed who knows, but is it Yello quard for just this kind of stuff or more like normal shake? tihs is raw, and never seen hero 3 black do like this ? I DONT MEAN PROP SHADOW THING, here that more "youtube stabization"-look waves :)?:

Yesterday after big fight anyway pulled one really challenging gopro shot for big customer with short notice with zero problem :)! So big thanks and my alolozies if I wrote to here someway stupid. Anyway re-calibrading i quess helped me to get the horizon to level.

I am gonna post for thanks my first customer edit´s here, when those come public :tennis:
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Hello ,

I just picked up the Stella gimbal & am using a Taranis with an EZ-UHF, will the gimbal work on the PPM like S-bus?

Please let me know
