Some have a 'drift' issue when static, on the bench, but not reported in flight, not seen any roll issues reported in flight, I suggest you go to this forum towards the end XAircraft have suggested a reset method, that might help.
Big thanks! Found it and readed whole topic.
Because of wind on RCGROUPS, there was handy solution to stiffen rubbers with aluminium sticks to get rid of yello in strong wind..
Im still new gopro user to aerial filming

. Is this just gimbal problem, or sun and framerate etc? HEH! This was 1,5h before my gig. I was a "bit" stressed. Sorry this is in finnish but thit I was shooting 50p and in the last ones 25p there is totally diffenent, meaby it was just some tilt motor sheke just on same speed who knows, but is it Yello quard for just this kind of stuff or more like normal shake? tihs is raw, and never seen hero 3 black do like this ? I DONT MEAN PROP SHADOW THING, here that more "youtube stabization"-look waves

Yesterday after big fight anyway pulled one really challenging gopro shot for big customer with short notice with zero problem

! So big thanks and my alolozies if I wrote to here someway stupid. Anyway re-calibrading i quess helped me to get the horizon to level.
I am gonna post for thanks my first customer edit´s here, when those come public :tennis: