DJI Zenmuse GH3 gimbal - new firmware wanted!


I have the new GH3 Zenmuse and it stabilizes to perfection. Nevertheless there is an "issue" with it´s firmware which keeps the gimbal operator from soft starts and stops. The average RC servo channel delivers output signals from -100 to +100 (in easy words).

The GH3 Zenmuse will start moving around +5 and -5. So the deadband is around that region. That´s not an issue as deadband is nothing bad but the problem is that the gimbal will nor start moving slowly when you reach +5 or -5. I will directly jump to speed and not start smoothly which is ugly. Also another speed jump will follow around 10 and -10. This seems to be some kind of firmware issue.

DJI please work on this.

Also I would like to see some more user interface options in software. Features like adjustable deadband and adjustable operator input smoothing would be great.

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have you tried adding some function curves on your tx? i have nice smooth motion on all axis by creating some custom curves. more to the point on the firmware we need auto levelling of the tilt and roll axis when going to reset mode and aux2 to work.

I have function curves on pan and tilt. Does not change anything.

So you can smoothly start and stop a pan movement without seeing a small jump in the picture when the head starts to move?


yes i have a smooth motion on all axis from standstill to moving. i have flat curves rising to speed the pan/tilt/roll rate as i turn my potentiometer in and out. I do not see a jump when starting the movement.

do you have aux2 control forward/downward facing? do you have auto level of tilt and roll axis when returning to reset mode? do you have full 360 degree rotation in fpv mode?


Drone Enthusiast
I have to agree with alpine-aerials. Compared to the features that alexmoos FW offers DJI really has to step it up a little ! Would be great to have some variables that set the reaction speed to stick input and the speed to reach end position. Also as known from Alexmoos a curve to set the behavior in follow mode and not only follow mode on pan but also pitch and roll.



Boris do you have aux2 control forward/downward facing? do you have auto level of tilt and roll axis when returning to reset mode? do you have full 360 degree rotation in fpv mode?


I don´t need the forward / down channel, so I did not try it. I have auto level on tilt and roll on reset and I have full 360 degree rotation in fpv, but I cannot start smoothly without a small jump. Would you be so kind to post a video of a simple pan movement produced with your gimbal. Like a start - panning - stop. I am really interested to see how this looks on your gimbal. Maybe mine is faulty.

I have expo programmed on my radio but everything this changes is the moment where the gimbal starts to move. (as the curve eases the TX output)


I have to agree with alpine-aerials. Compared to the features that alexmoos FW offers DJI really has to step it up a little ! Would be great to have some variables that set the reaction speed to stick input and the speed to reach end position. Also as known from Alexmoos a curve to set the behavior in follow mode and not only follow mode on pan but also pitch and roll.


I have a Movi here too and this has everything you want. It´s superior to every other gimbal I know. I does not have the control depth of an alexmos board but you can do everything you need. I just hope DJI can fix my Zenmuse issue with a firmware update.


yes i will do a video tomorrow for you i can't do it right now. i am surprised to hear you have auto level on tilt and roll as i do not have it and Kopterworx do not. do you use wookong m? fpv mode should only give you 40 degrees left and right but i also have 360degrees.


Customers asking them to implement ramping settings for Zen since they started to sell it.
1,5 years passed..

I just checked for AUX 2 and the reset. Reset is not working on mine too. I can even roll and tilt in reset mode. Only pan resets. As I never need roll I did not notice. FPV is 360 degrees.

So there are even more firmware issues than I noticed.



i rarely use roll so I'm not worried about that. tilt is not a real problem either as i can use the level on the camera but it would be nice to work as it should. yes i can tilt and roll in reset mode too. also in fpv mode the pan should stop at the degree you move your control not continue till centered like the non fpv mode.

I will do a video tomorrow and post it in this thread. I use a jeti DS16 tx.


Reset Will be fixed. As for slow start stop dont bother. Leave with it and do the best you can or buy movi 10


I have the same problems with Deadband and start/stop. But I think the worst problem are the Horizon are not level when the multirotor are flying turns with high G forces. please fix it DJI.


As for slow start stop dont bother. Leave with it and do the best you can or buy movi 10

Lanzar, as dji dealer, did you mean that official dji answer is "NO, they will not fix it"?
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Nope. My opinion is that is not doable with current system. They have this request for 2years now and still fixed. Maybe in future with new gimbals. But the reset Will be fixed. That is official dji news.




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