Immersion 5.8 gHz wiring help


Aerial Fun
View attachment 13905
See photo. This works on my quad with Immersion 5.8GHz 600mW TX.

  1. I have connectors from my lipo distribution to the immersion.

  2. I have a single connection from the tarot video signal to the immersion. No video ground to Tarot.

  3. I have a 2 line connector from from the Immersion 5v out to the Tarot brushless gimbal which is power and ground.

I want to move the immersion tx back and forth to my xy8 with a Kopterworx hdmi converter.

  1. I only need a 2 wire connection for composite video and ground.

  2. Trying to figure out how to make some connections. Only way I can figure it out is to use single connectors or maybe splitting the gound coming off the immersion.


  1. On the bottom left side of the Immersion TX, where it says, aud, aud, vid, gnd, & 5v out, is the ground common for both the video signal and the 5v out power? Seems like there is an input and output, so I'm confused.
  2. If the ground is universal on the Immersion, I would like to have a 2 line connector for video and 2 line connector for 5v power. I'd just split the common ground and run a branch to each connector. Not feeling confident that this is correct.

  3. On the Kopterworx, it has 3 wires. Video, Ground, and power of which it says don't use the power as power comes from hdmi. I assume I can't just run 1 wire for video... It this is correct, I can run it the same as the Tarot, but I'm guessing I have to run a ground... HELP...

Thought I'd ask before burning something up. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


  • tarot to immersion.jpg
    tarot to immersion.jpg
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Aerial DP
ground is common in the whole thing.....

you should be using a ground and a signal to make it work right......

the 5v out on the immersion is enough to run the hdmi converter, at least the freefly ones. we have alot of probs with that kind at kopterworx, might be from using that 5v, might not be enough for that particular.... nex it doesn't need the power, gh3 requires the power used on our hdmi's like that

i use servo leads to the immersion plugs, i trim a 3 down to 2 and use that for power, leave a three and a signal futaba thing for the 5 hole one, just look at the vtx and wires when you plug em in and we have never had a problem... we got 3 gimbals, there all universal and we swap whatever quits working for parts from others alot.


Aerial Fun
I got the Kopterworx from Bart (couldn't find anyone with a freefly hdmi converter).

There is a note int he Kopterworx that says do not hook up power, just video signal and ground. Will try that first with gh2, gh3, and 5d mark II.

Being from the video industry, this is mind boggling how much time I've spent on a friggin simple hdmi to composite converter.

I'm tempted to take the rubber cover off the Kopterworx and see what's the difference between that and the $32 dollar converters on Amazon. I have bought two that don't work with the GH2, GH3, and Black Magic PocketCam. Kept one and took it apart. Footprint, pal/ntsc switch, hdmi input are all the same. RCA connections have been taken off, but cabling is in the same spot. It looks like there might be at least 2 electronic parts or heat sinks that are different. Be interesting to see if they just are using a modified version of those boards and then putting in a non usable heavy cable and selling it for 4x the price.....

I'm going to try the common ground on the Immersion. I don't use the audio cables, so should get by with 2 or 3 two wine connectors.

I use the 5v on the Tarot to power or charge the GoPro 3 black. Won't be using it all all on the larger DSLR cameras...

Thanks for the heads up on the ground, now to the basement and a quick couple solders.


Aerial Fun
Works fine. I ended up hooking ground up on Tarot as well as for the Kopterworx. Tired (on the table) both the tarot and gh3 send a nice signal. Will try the other cameras later tonight.

Kloner, once again, thank you. If we ever meet up, I owe you a bear or burger..........

Next up, any negatives on this setup? I'm not flying far distances, just using immersion for camera framing for video and photos....
I will find a different monitor as this one is a little expensive for what I'm using it for. Sunny days are an issue, but will figure something out. I like to be always facing where the MR is and this lets me quick look at the monitor for a quick frame. So far, no issues and since I'm not flying with any speed, it's not critical to have another operator, yet.....

View attachment 13906


  • futaba monitor setup.jpg
    futaba monitor setup.jpg
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Aerial DP
that vrx is aluminum and not very rf transparent as well as a little noisy...... try getting that away from the tx antenna, like at least 20-30cm, not letting it lay against it.....


Aerial Fun
30 cm is almost 12 inches. Bit much for what I was hoping for on a hand held platform that I could walk around with.

It would be pretty awkward to hard mount it 12" way. Is their anything I could shield it with or maybe mount the Immersion unit under the the base plate (3/4" hard wood) and then extend the antenna.
Or maybe a telescoping arm of sorts, but I'm thinking that will defeat the idea of keeping this sort of nimble.

Stacky, the bear might be fun, looks like there's lots of open space out there.....But maybe a beer instead would be more practical.


Aerial DP
i like what he's got there,,, the electronics themselves just being in proximity to the radio and kill range on both.

Do a low power range check with everything on before you fly..... watch the led if dji, watch for it to go into failsafe walking away from it


Aerial Fun
Maverick. Thanks. The pics give me some ideas. No need to spend more money when I'm pretty close now. 2nd pic gives me an idea to maybe make a small frame and double deck the monitor and then put the Immersion receiver/antenna on top of that...

I'm trying to stay small and nimble (if that's possible). Already feel it's getting big, but will try for some more separation. Went through the whole add on to the DSLR's and when on sticks, I do use cages and other stuff, but that's for simple shooting. When I'm moving around, it's a small camera and not much else. It's just my chosen way. Too much stuff get's in the way and you miss the shot or you take twice as long to get stuff done.....
Kloner, think a range check would probably be a good idea. I have RTH set up, but haven't tested it. I've mainly been flying in close and checking the video signal.

If I lose the signal, I will see yellow blinks on the Naza LED. If it enters failsafe, will I see anything on my futaba 8fg or will NAZA blink differently? Sorry for dumb question, but I don't really look at my futaba lcd when flying other than to check my timer and haven 't had any issues with lost signal so far. I just haven't ventured out very far yet.....


Aerial Fun
Thanks. More good ideas....... Will see what I can figure out today....

Raining here today, so will work this and getting my 12lb MR back together. I have a couple free days later in week and sunny skies with light winds are predicted, so hoping to nail this down and get some quality flying time in. Leaves are starting to change a bit around here and enough rain last 2 days so streams & waterfalls should be running a bit after a a little dry spell... Time to get the hiking boots out.

Wish I had about 20 more batteries.......


Welcome to!!
the Kopterworx converter, I suspect, is the same as the 30 something dollar ones you see on the internet. the difference though is that the plastic has been removed, it's been checked to work properly, the wires have been added and the RCA plugs removed, and if on the odd chance it doesn't work you can return it. plus, you always know where to find me if you happened to have bought it from me. :) but i try not to use the forums more than anyone else can to promote things so if the Freefly one works better for you, so be it.

i haven't heard that the Panasonic cameras won't power the converter via the HDMI like the Sony's will. With the Sony cameras, the power to the converter isn't necessary as it is provided by the camera via the HDMI cable (but you guys knew that, other folks reading this might not).

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