Show your FPV video


Merlin of Multirotors
Lets start a thread for just FPV video, recorded either onboard or from a downlink.

I spent a good part of the day out flying some of my FPV quads in very windy conditions, gusts to 15 mph. Mainly I wanted to get some flight time on my recently completed DJI F330 Naza quad with GPS and Immersion FPV gear. This is the first flight of the day recorded from the downlink, just getting used to flying the little multi in strong wind plus testing RTH at the end...

I've got a lot more videos recorded with this and the other quads as well from today, going to take me some time to go through them all, I'll post more later.

Let's see some others here!

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Active Member
This sounds like a good thread Ken. Here is my set-up. It's a 1.3 digital Tx Rx and a Swit monitor. I hate goggles. GoPro fixed with tape only. The model is called the Scout 535 and has been under development as a specific go anywhere inspection device. The GoPro is just one of several different imaging cameras.
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I just prefer the natural view point of a fixed camera. Interesting to see how a little haze can destroy the color saturation. That little bull dog kept biting my ankles.:livid:


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Merlin of Multirotors
Denny, you have nice scenery there right along the waters edge! :pig:

Good thing I was sitting down when I looked up the price of a Swit monitor...:hororr:

I'd like to have a decent monitor to try flying with, my problem is I have very light sensitive eyes and outside even on a cloudy day I need to have polarized sunglasses on which makes an already hard to see monitor screen even worse. Even when I need to hookup my netbook to make config changes I have to do it inside the car or in a very shaded area so I can make out what's on the screen. Anyway, I've gotten fairly used to flying with the goggles now so I think I'll stay with that untiul I find the "perfect" monitor for me to fly FPV, it's either going to be D**m expensive, hard to find one that works for me, or both. ;)



Active Member
I picked up a nice little 4.3"color VDU from Suppo Motor for 27 usd. It just need a screen shield. In my steadicam operator days I always used a green monitor instead of a color one which was much better. It is essentially a B&W monitor with a green glass at the front. But don't tell Garrett Brown that.

I don't really watch the monitor that much except for framing at the start of the movement. I like to be able to see the model as soon as I look up. The thought of having to remove the goggles would really throw me.
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Aerial DP
goggles are weird to pull from your face. the light change alone is like walking outside in the day after watching a movie in a theater.

this is my favorite so far
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Active Member
Looks like you got some good endurance on that thing. That water was made for Barefootin. BTW Kloner those Suppos work great on my F550. I had some 40 amp Pulso ESC that were beautifully made but with some bad code so TC and I decided to work out a way to reflash em with simonk, wow, this thing rocks with a set of 10x5 Graupners. Talk about a screamer! Those 2814/8's are the best upgrade motor that I know of for a 550. Great bearings in the new ones and fantastic power to weight ratio.
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Aerial DP
that's awesome! They've been good to me

ya, alot of waterskiing happens around there outside the channel where the houses are.


Active Member
This is a video I shot a couple months back now. I've since torn this x650 apart and moved everything over to an F550.

I shot this one last fall at a park near our new place. They keep the lights on after dark during the fall, so I've usually got a place to fly after work.

I've got to go get some footage with the new hexa build now!
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Active Member
Terry thats pretty much free of jellow, How hard is your hard mounting?
Like the rotationals on the first one.


Active Member
The first video is hard mounted via a gimbal with 2 blown servos. I had it zip tied into place, but there was some foam used to isolate the vibes. The second video is just velcroed into place with a foam case.


Drone Enthusiast
too many vibes Gopro loose and motor damaged once again second axi in 2 months ;( but whatever was a fun set of flights.

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Drone Enthusiast
I guys so close to the shore he is going for a luce ( Hecht in german ), We had a major storm yesterday night bringing down tones of water that the reason for the dirt. Normally its on of the cleanest lake in upper austria, you are not even allowed to use an electric motor on this lake

I need new motors though for my FPV quads those axis i am putting to a rest. Just ordered those gonna use 10" graupner on them. Any other recommendations for good FPV max weigh 1.5 kg Quad motors ?




Aerial DP
i take it that's fish?

Trappy is running 4008 and whinning about not beeing powerful enough cause can only run 10's on em.

i'm super happy with the suppo 2814, easy on the wallett to just re-power the whole thing when i crash and smoke a couple. $23 a piece. Does 750+ watts and no smoke yet, cruises 160-170 watts


Drone Enthusiast
cool gonna check them out and see which of them i can get on the TBS frame DJI arms without a hassle !



Merlin of Multirotors
I recently put a set of these on my MK FPV quad when I rebuilt it from a hard crash...

Using them with Graupner 11 x 5 props and 4S 5000 packs, they run nice and cool even on a 90 degree day. Thing I like most about them is the 4mm shaft, takes a lot more force to bend one so they survive minor mishaps without a problem, the old motors were 3mm shafts and I got tired of replacing them not to mention I ran out of replacement shafts.

Both my F450 and F330 are using stock DJI motors and so far no problems. One thing I do is lube is the bearings after a full day of flight, they aren't the smoothest motors I've owned but until one goes belly up from either a bearing failure or crash damage I'll keep using them. One good thing about the stock DJI setup is getting close to 15 minutes flight time on a 3S 5000 pack.

Tomorrow I'm going FPV flying with the two DJI and the MK quad and should be able to get a total of about 2 hours in the air with the full set of batteries charged and ready to go for all three. I had planned on being at the field flying right now but woke up to a steady rain, flying rescheduled for early Sunday AM. I've got a new FPV-Japan DVR to record the flights off the downlink, I hope to have some good video to post late tomorrow.

Waiting for my TBS Discovery, Core, and TBS 69 camera to ship, should be at the end of this coming week...

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