Xoar 12x5 wood props


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I'm going to order 12" Xoar wood props for my Droidworx AD-8 project and thought some of you might want to order props with me since they have to be bought in bulk. It takes 2 to 3 months to get the order filled and I'll have pricing when I hear back from the vendor.
Please post to this thread if you're interested.


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I'm going to purchase 8 to 10 sets for myself, how many would you like? A set is one pusher (LH) and one tractor (RH).
I would expect to have delivery and pricing info in a day or two.


Drone Enthusiast
Bart is your AD8 a heavy lift? Not sure what props I will want on my ADXhl so I may be interested in some



Merlin of Multirotors
Put me down for 6 sets, just what I need for the AD-6 heavy lifter.


P.S. if there's enough interest in the 10 inch to place an order I'd go for some as well, I like the way they work on the stock Hexa...


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I can order the 10" props at the same time as the 12" but if the order gets too big I'll probably ask for payment up front to cover the order.
It's best to order both the LH and RH props at the same time.

Anyone want 10" props? How many?

So far:
Bart, 12" 8 sets
Ken, 12" 6 sets, 10" 4 sets
Naterpin, 12" ??sets
FlyEye, 10" ?? sets
Droider, ??" ??sets
Crash 10", 6 sets


Merlin of Multirotors
I'd take 4 sets of the 10 inch, more if we wind up a couple short of making the minimum to place the order.

What is the minimum number for custom order?



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I updated the list above for your 10" props. I believe the minimum is 15 pcs of any one size.


Defies Psychics
Any salesman here? Why do I want to own these?
How do they compare to CF?

Are they termite treated? ;)


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they're very smooth, quiet, and lift a bit more and are stiffer than the graupner props. Xoar makes a high quality prop.
the CF props are very expensive. the 10" Xoars are about 6 or 7 bucks a piece. my impression of the CF props is that they look like copies of the APC props.


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Bob's has an order being processed as we speak so the sooner the better on getting an order together to ship with theirs. After this current order ships they won't be placing another until four weeks later.


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Pricing will be $17.75 per set for the 12" and $11.00 per set for the 10", plus shipping to you. The price includes the props, a charge to have them drilled to 5mm, and shipping from the supplier to me in NJ.

Bart, 12" 8 sets
Ken, 12" 6 sets
Naterpin, 12" ??sets
Emowillcox, 12" 5 sets
Ken 10" 4 sets
FlyEye, 10" ?? sets
Droider, ??" ??sets
Crash 10", 6 sets

everybody still in?


Hey Bart,

Count me in for 5 sets of the 12". They probably won't improve anything with my luck but its worth a try! Shawn


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Thanks Mac. Your'e in.

Pricing will be $17.75 per set for the 12" and $11.00 per set for the 10", plus shipping to you. The price includes the props, a charge to have them drilled to 5mm, and shipping from the supplier to me in NJ.

Bart, 12" 8 sets
Ken, 12" 6 sets
Naterpin, 12" ??sets
Emowillcox, 12" 5 sets
Mactadpole, 12" 5 sets
Ken 10" 4 sets
FlyEye, 10" ?? sets
Droider, ??" ??sets
Crash 10", 6 sets

I need to get the order placed before the end of today so please let me know if you guys are in or not. If we miss getting shipped with the current order that Bob's is waiting on then it will be a long time before we can get a delivery of our own unless we pay all shipping from China for our own order. I wasn't expecting a deadline on this but Bob's just happened to have an order in progress.


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It's looking like 30 sets of 12" and 16 to 20 sets of 10"
Worse case I buy extra and sell them with a small mark-up.


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if anyone wants to figure out their part of the order, please paypal funds to me at barchiola <<<@>>> gmail daat com. please select "Other" when sending funds so paypal waives the fees since this isn't a sale or a service transaction

i'll ask for shipping reimbursement when the props arrive and are shipped.

