XAircraft XAircraft X650-V8 + Hitec Aurora 9 problem


New Member
Hi! I recently acquired an XAircraft X650-V8 for archaeological aerial photography. I have practically no experience in RC flying so this is my first build and I seem to have run into problems with connecting the transmitter/receiver (Hitec Aurora 9/Optima 9) to the flight controller (FC1212-P). It seems that the FC is functioning: for example I can update the firmware and the ESC leds turn on if I plug it in. Also the for quick beeps from the Aurora and red leds on constantly at both ends seem to indicate that the transmitter links up with the receiver. The receiver is hooked up to the FC inputs as instructed in the manual (CH1->3, CH2->2, CH3->1, CH4->4, CH5->5). However the quad or the XAircraft Center calibration does not react in any way to the transmitter commands. The model setup on Aurora is as follows (all the other settings are at default value): Model type - Acro, Wing - 1Aile, Tail - Normal, Engine type - Single engine, Retracts - no, Spoiler - no, Fuel mixture - no. Any idea what might be causing the problem? Help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Problem solved!

Hello again! I tried it out a couple of more times and suddenly it started working. Didn't do anything differently, so I have no idea what did the trick. :D
