XAircraft X650 V8 built, now what?


Active Member
Hey gang,

So I just picked up an X650 V8 kit and just completed the build this morning. I have only followed the directions in the instructions and nothing else. So far I have not done any testing as I just got the motors spinning this morning before work. I do know that they are at least spinning in the right directions, but beyond that I can't say if everything is working as is.

Since the instructions give only limited test recommendations, and then nothing at all about the software setup or calibration, I'm wondering what I should do next. How do I go about calibrating the auto level? What do I need to do with the XA Center to get this thing tuned in?

Any input is greatly appreciated. I'm leaving for an extended weekend trip Saturday morning and I'd love to have all the bugs sorted out by then so I can get some air time with my newest copter.


Drone Enthusiast
Make sure your Tx sticks are all centered with no adjustments and calibrate the radio with teh FC. Then calibrate the AHRS by very accurately leveling the unit. DONE! make sure all the sticks do the right thing in the monitor page. I would suggest trying out first in auto leveling mode. It also helos to flatten out your throttle curve on your radio quite a bit. That thing has so much power it is almost impossible to control altitude with the stock flat curve. Start it at around 30% and taper it off at 90%


Active Member
Ok, sound good. TBH though, I haven't even connected the copter to the software yet. Anything special I need to know about that? I see absolutely nothing about in the manual, unless I somehow missed that part. ;-)

Also, I guess that the calibration is done in the software?


Drone Enthusiast
The thing that confused me at first was I didn't know i only needed to plug it into the FC through the USB. In other words, you dont hook up a battery to the unit at all when doing your software stuff.

Yes, everything calibration wise is done in the software.


Active Member
Great... thanks. I'll be home in about an hour and I'll hopefully be finalizing the set up then. If all goes well, I have a small GoPro gimbal that I"m going to mount as well before heading to the country for a long weekend. Footage to follow if all goes as planned.



Active Member
Fail... no luck trying to get this software to work on an XP laptop. I hate to say it, but I absolutely despise Windows. There always seems to be a problem. That is why I'm an Apple developer. The thought of working on a windows machine everyday gave me nightmares! [/rant]

Ok, so anyone have any luck getting this to work on an XP machine? Yuri, didn't you say you got it working at one point with some additional patch that you installed?


Active Member
Ended up getting it just as it's time for me to hit the sack. Entire night wasted running back and forth chasing windows issues. At least it's behind me now.


Is there any more detailed documentation on using the new version of the configuration software as it pertains to the X650 V8?
I can't seem to find any "new" documentation on it.
Im at the point on my V8 build where I have updated all the firmware on the FC, GPS, etc,
I have my V8 recognized by the software, my radio is configured correctly, but had some questions on proper calibration, etc.


Oh yeah, I am also stuck on [h=4]AHRS Calibration[/h]It mentions to have the AHRS unit level before performing this calibration.
I have a bubble level I placed on top of my X650 but when it sits on it's landing gear it's not level, do I need to level the X650 before doing this calibration? or do I take out the AHRS unit all together and place it on a level surface.
Gee I wish there was better documentation on this stuff.

i never used a bubble to level it did it on my shag carpeted floor. it the thing flew like a dream. anyway its all pretty simple sometimes you need to sit back and take a break.. and read on rcgroups and here! good luck!

So far the best way I know of to calibrate the AHRS in the new software is this:

Get a piece of glass big enough to rest on top of the prop nuts. (borrowing one from a picture frame worked well for me)

Plug in the USB (so you don't have to do it once the rig is leveled), with the glass sitting on the prop nuts and your level sitting on the glass, adjust the quad until it reads as perfectly level. I use bits of paper (folded to adjust thickness) under the skids (or claw gear for X450P).

Whack the calibration button.

I had a better process for calibration under the old Configuration software which allowed you to see the raw sensor data ("analog" mode on the AHRS graph) and allowed you to manually adjust the calibration numbers, but the new Center software doesn't let you do that.
