Who makes this quadcopter?

Hi maxwelltub,

I've never seen that commercial. I guess I don't watch enough TV :)

Thank you so much for the info, wow they are actually tiny Quadcopters but I love the setup, so I am definitely looking for the same idea but in a bigger scale. Any ideas on how to make my own plastic covers design that can go on top of for example a Tarot frame?

Thanks again.


Ya look up what upenn is doing with there swarm quads. Commercial is actually a few years old. And I dont watch any tv either but saw this online because it's incredible. To make custom canopy you would most likely make a positive mold, then vacuum form plastic around it, if I had to guess.

Wow, really amazing. I remember I saw something similar at Ted a year ago.

Good idea, I will investigates how hard is to create a positive mold and work with plastic, I'll ask my brother, he is a dentist and sometimes he takes impressions using a compound that get really hard after a few minutes and then he sends that to a lab where they do the final product.

Thanks for the info once again.
