Mikrokopter Who has managed to decipher MK english?


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Having got the Octo in the air finally, after addressing the circuit board issues (bits that fell off, errant blobs of solder), I now have to play the 'decipher MK english' game. I understand every single word that they use. It is only when they assemble those words into what is presumably a sentence that I invariably get lost.

Just like a Futaba radio manual, information for a given parameter does not venture beyond a vague and often confusing minimalist description that evokes a ".. better not touch that one then ..." reaction because despite the 'explanation', I have no idea what it does or what its potential benefits or otherwise might be.

Specifically, I am satisfied with the default GPS Hold settings but the Altitude Hold is rubbish. I prefer the sound of the "Height Limitation" to "Vario" and assumed that by ticking the "use switch to set height" the Altitude Hold function would take the moment of activating the switch as its height reference. In this way the 'set height' can always be re-adjusted by turning it off, moving to a new altitude and re-engaging it.

But it does not appear to work. Or, if it does it is incredibly imprecise.

There is a checkbox called Hover Variation that sounds like it should be important and which defaults to 8 (12.6%). But should this value be increased/decreased? The wiki 'explanation' explains nothing with "... Limits the regulator output to the environment of the Hoverpoint, ..."

So how does one set the thing to maintain a (relatively) constant altitude?


Drone Enthusiast
It aint easy.. there is so much variation between configurations that it is really left to you to tune it to your needs.. I still dont understand it all and as you point out the description is left very much to your own interoperation.. guess work is how it should be described!

