What was the first multirotor you saw ?


With Droider getting reflective about where he is now I started thinking about where it all started for us and for others.
Our's started 18 months ago with a promise to video a mountain bike race from a helicopter within 12 months, learning from scratch. After getting to within a gnat's whisker of buying a large helicopter we saw some footage by DediCam shot at a Downhill World Cup race shot from an MK Octokopter.

Wow... we were hooked and all thoughts of using a big lugging helicopter went west. You just couldn't do that with a heli.
A bit of Googling led us to the MikroKopter site and the rest is history. We have had a riot of a time getting our Hexa built, learning to fly it and actually delivering on the promise.

The second, and many more, multirotor we saw in the flesh was a month ago at Droider's UK meet.

So where did it all start for you ?
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