XAircraft What should I set at beginning of X650?


Now I'm using the plus style and the control is JR DSX11 2.4GHz. Now I can control it using hover mode, but it was a little bit toward to the front side when taking off! What should I check? When can I upgrade to cross style? What is the different between the Hover Mode and Cruise Mode?

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Eric, you should be able to just select your style in XA Centre, if I remember rightly.
If you read through the threads you will see that many have had issues with the X650 drifting in various directions.
Important is to make sure the thing is absolutely level when you calibrate the AHRS. Make sure using a bubble. or spirit level.
It is equally important to make sure all your motors are perfectly plumb, ie the props are level.
If you have done this and it still drifts significantly it will probabaly be the AHRS at fault which is fairly common.
Mine was unflyable due to drift until I upgraded the firmware in XA Centre.
In hover mode it will level itself when you let the right stick (in mode2) centre.
In manual the resulting attitude from your last command will be held so it will keep going in the commanded direction.
You wont notice your drifting problem in manual.



Thanks Steve

For the leveling of the AHRS, I calibrated it at home. Should I recalibrate it again at the flying site? How Long does it need to recalibrate?


Eric, Once calibrated properly it shouldn't need done again, just do a check every now and again to make sure your displayed values look right. Its not like the DJI or Gaui stuff that calibrates at startup.



Eric, Once calibrated properly it shouldn't need done again, just do a check every now and again to make sure your displayed values look right. Its not like the DJI or Gaui stuff that calibrates at startup.


Thanks Bowley
Now I am waiting the part for repairing the x650 broken parts, will try it later.


My X650 just reborn, as the new x650v frame was just arrived. I go to double check the setting of XAircraft Configuration Software. I observed that the Yaw is not in normal, it keeps on 154, quite far away the Roll & Pitch! Is it normal? Please advise. Thanks.


Eric, the yaw wanders about on my AHRS also, I just lived with it, I have given up on mine after trying a DJI F450/naza. I just couldn't trust my X650 with a faulty FC. I actually had to resort to permanently flying it in NOR mode and it flew well like that I have to say. It was just too unpredictable when switched to ATTI. I will continue to use the FC for gimbal control in the future if I need it. I now have a Naza and turnigy plush ESC's on my X650 and its great, a completely different beast. Initially it was a V8 but as the Naza will only support 6 ESC's/motors it will have to remain a V4 till I can get a wookong.
Maybe you should just cut your losses and invest in a new FC (and compatable ESC's). Worth keeping the frame though, they are good IMHO and the load rail and landing skid system is great.
