What are you gain settings for 5.16 firmware

What are your gain settings for 5.16 firmware

Just finished building my S800 and loaded the 5.16 firmware to the WKM. I was wondering what gain settings I should start with? My setup is stock S800 with a battery weight of 1,696g (3.7lbs). Any recommendation on what first level and second protection should be under voltage? I see some people use it and others don't. Thanks.
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You will find that it is going to be very subjective and unique for each setup and pilot, but based purely on what has worked for me, I'd start with 215ish for roll/pitch basic gain, 175ish for yaw/altitude basic gain, and 150ish for roll/pitch attitude gain. (I wish I had better memory of what my yaw/altitude basic gain numbers are.)
My first level protection is set to 22.2V, and I basically put my second level way low so that it never kicks in based on the stories I've read on this forum. I use voltage monitors set to 3.5V/cell for my true voltage alerting since I may not see the first level protection light.

Thanks for the reply @ProPilotWannaBe, I will start with the values you listed. In you opinion is best to adjust the values in pairs?

Basic Gains:
Pitch/Role - Adjust together?
Yaw/Vertical - Adjust together?

Attitude Gains:
Pitch/Role - Adjust together?

Hi Spartan. The pitch and roll ones, yes. I always have those set to the same value. The yaw and vertical ones tend to be in the same neighborhood, but I would tune separately since the raise/lower symptoms are different. They may end up being the same value.
BTW, I just looked at my yaw and vertical ones, and they are both at 193; so I was remembering wrong.
