weird thing when yawing


I have the naza gps f550 and when i yaw right the hexa yaw to right but it also want to go forward...and yawing left he go backward to....
it does that when i push a little hard on the stick
Do you think it the yaw gain or something else...

tks guys!

In the Naza software all joystick input are ok in calibration menu?
I don't known how can it be wrong but...
Waiting for my gimbal and servos.
Speak french?


I had the same issue, I slowed down the response on yawning from the transmitter this helped. However if you are in home lock or course look and you spin to fast this causes issues. Found that in the manual.. Another point I noticed yesterday was that I was +2 rather than -2cm on the gps setting which I don't no if had any issues but shes flying a lot smoother.
