Hoverfly Waterproofing Your Electronics


New Member
Any of you flying over water a lot might want to check this out. Someones sent me this link on Facebook and it seems to be OK for electronics if you believe the ending segment. I may try it on one of my HFP's and tempted to spray the Hero3 :livid:


Looks a great product with lots of applications however before you spray your electronics I would look at: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57590077-1/spill-a-lot-neverwets-ready-to-coat-your-gear/ Need to see if it is available in the UK. Cheers

Yeah, conflicting info is not a good sign. Seemed like they were putting their blessing on the practice in the video but they include a blurb sheet with the product that says don't do it.
