Want to try build one quadcopter


New Member
Hi all ^^ ,

I was searching for one qaudcopter RTF or ARF, but atm couldn't find anything I like.

So I'm thinking about to make one by myself ( yes I alredy warned that it's hard and take time because already read some threads about this, how ever I like assemble things :p), I was looking around (one online page where I usually buy stuffs) and found next parts but since I have almost no idea what should be the better selection I just want to ask here and lets see if I can get some clues what I should to do:

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3

Motor 1+ESC
Motor 2
Motor 3


Controller 1
Controller 2
Controller 3
Controller 4

Propeller 1
Propeller 2
Propeller 3
Propeller 4
Propeller 5

I already have 3S 2200mAh 45C Li-PO battery, if this is not enought for any combination which should I try to get?
Also I have Futaba 6EX 2.4GHz transmiter/receiver, I think it should be more than enough.

My plans for the quadcopter? Well, at first, I want to learn how it works. After I will be decent at its control I want to get into the FPV fly.

In the other hand, I still interested in RTF or ARF so if anyone can post a link I will be gratefull :D.

Well idk if I missed anything, if I did please let me know and I will try to search for it.

Thanks in advance to all who read this.

Best regards,

richarson ^^



If I was going to choose one of those three frames you mentioned for FPV racing, I would go for #3.
None of your motor choices are acceptable for your frame or your props (more on your prop choice in a minute.) What you need is higher Kv rated motors than you are choosing. Racing 250 size quads should be using 1900 - 2800 Kv motors (1000 Kv and lower are slow turning torque motors better suited to larger, slower AP work on larger quads.) As far as ESCs go My personal choice is #2, the Q Brain. I use two of those myself on two of my quads. They are a little overkill in the amperage department but too much is always better than too little. You could get by on 12 or 15 amp ESCs running the higher Kv motors you really need. The reason I like the Q-Brain is it is quick and easy. I have no good advice on any of your FC choices. The HK Pilot Mega cost the most and can probably do the most, but I bet you need to do some programming in their open source code (which I am not familiar with.) The HK AT Mega 328 is obsolete in Multiwii but I don't know what it could do with the KK firmware (which you will probably need to alter) and then it looks like you will need some sort of converter and usb cable to attach it to your computer but I can't find anything useful about that on the HK files section. The two KK boards are inexpensive but they are pretty lame and tame with not a lot of features beyond controlling the flight. I guess they are pretty easy to tune though and if that is all you want is to fly some, they are a quick way to get in the air. I personally don't like any of them. They all have too many limits on what they can do.
When it comes to your choice of props, none of them would ever work with your original choice of motors, those requiring 10" props and larger. The props you chose (except #3 and #4) are ok to use with the higher Kv motors I've mentioned, but choice #1 is the most efficient of the three. Three blade props are easier to balance though. Those props won't even fit the shafts of the motors you chose. If you go for higher Kv more towards the 2800 end, use the 5" props, if you go with the lower 1900 range motors, you could even use 6" props. Also, your choice of retailer is kind of high priced. HK has horrible customer service, sky high shipping, and inflated pricing compared to other places online. Shop around.
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