undercart mod in the pipe line ....


View attachment 2963Hi everybody
I don’t mean to tell my grandmother how to suck eggs…
Just to let you know about the mod I made to my quadcopter frame , it is a X525 v3 from ebay.
Anyway after a couple of hard(ish) landings 1 of the fibreglass feet broke .
While looking round my garage for abit of ply wood . I noticed some drain pipe (I think150mm)
I had the brain wave , to cut 20mm slices of pipe and tie wrap them on to the quads legs .
Upto now working very well ,maybe a little springy on hard landings , but other than that seems a nice cheap under carriage .
I sure somebody else as also came up with the same or similar solution , so If everyone is already aware of this idea sorry for wasting your time..
But hope it helps someone
Cheers Darren
p.s will try and post photo of it tomorrow


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