To weave or not to weave ....


When it comes to keeping motor leads tidy inside the arms, what are the pros and cons of weaving the three leads together ?



Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Ive built quite a few aircraft now, some weaved, some not. It doesn't seem to have made the slightest bit of difference. But, if the motor leads are long enough, you may as well weave.


Active Member
There is some great reading about that: (scroll down to Cancellation....)

The articles refer to brushed motors, but the knowledge behind applies to all drive-trains...

Electromagnetic Interference is one of the most neglected facts in our RC-Multirotor adventures.....just look how many crashes get posted, like: " All of the sudden my bird did unexpected things...."

On all my birds every wire is twisted/weaved, and I have next to no problems with my electronics....Power cables, signal cables, servo-cables....all are twisted
Sometimes it might not be needed, but how would I know....?

It's just the fastest and easiest way to fight EMI......

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Welcome to!!
i like to braid the wires out of the motor for the first couple of inches then put some heat shrink on to hold the braid in place. the wires seem to roll around corners better, especially where they're coming out the motors and then making a 180 degree turn into the tubes. a few twists in the arms is enough to keep interference down. the methods above keep the wires close to each other which reduces interference. twists, braids, nylon sheathing, etc. all accomplish the same thing basically.



Thanks for the responses. I didn't mention that I'm just starting a DW coax X4 and that means twice the number of conductors per arm. Weaving would seem to be a good way to keep the cabling tidy and leave the ability to replace one motor without fouling due to the cables of the other. It certainly seems that weaving is no bad thing so thats the way I'll go.


I weave, looks good, feels good, there is some benefits around interference etc etc....but hey if I crash bad I dont have a 'black box recorder' on my MR so I wouldnt know what the hell went wrong anyway!
