This is what I am thinking of buying. Your opinions please


I was doing research for months trying to learn more about multirotor. I was into rc from since the 90s. I currently have 2 nitro helicopter. I didn't fly much for the past couple of years. I notice most of the guys at my flying field is running electric helicopters now. I was researching a electric heli when I saw the multirotor. I then started researching multirotor. It was hard to narrow down on a kit because they all sound promising. I didn't want to go too cheap and I didn't want to go too expensive. I am willing to spend around $200 on a controller because I want one that is expandable and have a lot of features. Im also thinking the more expensive the controller the more stable.

This is what I came up with:


I also like this frame because its bigger and the landing gear have springs


they also take their sweet time to fill orders. look at they are cheap and quicker with the order fullfillment.



I think the Naza's great & it just came out with a gps upgrade too. :nevreness: I just got a witespy quad from with the Naza & I'm having a blast. I've never done RC, but with the Naza's stability it's been fun learning. Tom & Paul also sell the DJI quads, but I think their's are better. Communication with them is hard because they're so busy, but the quality & value is tops. Like anything in life...ya get what ya pay for. Good luck!
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I am blown away by the DJI stuff. I started with 550 and have moved on to a very upgraded 550. Great introduction to the hobby and tremendous support available. Very user friendly and super tough. My main intention was to fly a multi-rotor, not build one from scratch. The building of the 550 is simple. Now that my flying skills are pretty good, I am going to build a copter from the ground up and dial my building skills. You might consider the 450 to start. Naza is stable to me and now that GPS upgrade is almost here it will have lots of features. Just my thoughts....good luck any way you go and this forum is a great place to get some help.
