Hoverfly Things are MUCH better now


Just a note to let the guys at Hoverfly know that my quad is now flying much better with the latest firmware update. I have to admit to being a little scared in flying of late, as I have had a couple unexplained mishaps (not too expensive thank goodness) on the last couple of versions & could never get the GPS performing correctly on any previous version. So I bit the bullet today & gave her a spin & AL, AH, PH & RTH all performed well (in calm conditions). The main thing I have to sort out now is getting the camera tilt & roil setting right. So thank you Hoverfly :tennis:

In return I have posted here (happy to go wherever if it makes life easier for you). I'm still holding you to finishing a Mac version of your software though :nevreness:

I do have one question though. Is there any logical reason that occasionally, when I power up the quad, the GPS wont connect & sometimes I need to disconnect the battery & reconnect again? I did have a bit of trouble getting it to connect at all after flashing to the latest firmware & only succeeded after re-flashing several times.


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Now registered also on MRF, so what you 'll choose will be OK... Still reading usual threads on RC Groups..
