Sudden yaw to the right


Hi I am new to this forum and have some questions that might be somewhat simple but I am just checking.

I have just finished building a Droidworx skyjib8 V2, the build went really well and I installed Kopterworx kw8 motors with XOAR 15 inch props. I used the aerodrive power board and finally control all with the MK flight and navi control boards.

at the maiden test today the machine took off beautiful, level and smooth, it flew quite nice but was a little slugish in the air compared to my MK Octo XL and Hexa XL. I went through all operations including vario alt hold, position hold, come home, carefree, and camera control. All worked perfectly, However whilst hovering only 20feet from the ground at one stage the machine yawed to the right by itself having no input to do so from the radio (Graupner MX20). Giving yaw input to the left to correct this the machine seemed like it was not going to respond then it did so slowly at first then went faster after a second or 2.

Can anyone explain this please? I have never had this using the full MK set up in my Octo and Hexa XL machines.

The machine is set up as the Octo basic from the MK web site with motor/arms 1 and 2 being the front, and not as the star configuration as is the Octo XL, the arrow on the flight control and the aerodrive power board also point to the notch on the main frame in between motors 1 and 2 which indicates the front of the machine. Using the arms 1 and 2 as the front is as per the illustration on the MK web site. I am used to the star configuratiuon of the Octo XL and this is my first build Octo with 2 arms pointing to the front which is why I followed the Octo basic setting for the front.

This yaw behaviour only happened 3 or 4 times in 2 flights so is not all the time but always at the same altitude. could this be a result of ground effect because this machine is spinning very large props??

Another thing I noticed was that total current draw ranged between 50 -60 amps throughout the flight and different operations which I thought was ok, the BLC temps on the telemetry screen on the radio showed all steady at about 50 degrees except for motor 5 which showed 65 however when I landed and I physiacally fealt the actual motors all the clockwise motors were warm to slightly hot to touch but all the counter clockwise motors were cold.

Can someone offer some advice or explanations to these issues please?


Hi for those of you that are interested I have solved the issues I had with the new Droidworx Sky jib V2 mentioned in my earlier post first of all the Yaw issue I believe was compass error related but also motor fixing issues.
Even though I took some time to equally tighten the motors in the mounts to the arms I believe this was one of the key points. I think they were a little off vertical giving thrust slightly sideward. I loosened and re tightened the motors and set with a spirit level to as close to vertical as I could make them. Now no more yawing to the right and all the motors are cold after 10 mins of flight.
