Starting my first newbie build


New Member
I'm getting more confident flying my Micro Q-Bot now so I thought that the time was right to buy some parts for my first 250 size quadcopter build. Having a young family places a bit of a strain on the budget so i've decided to go for Hobbyking / Banggood bits and pieces. What are your thoughts on the following setup?

Hobbyking Color 250
CC3D flight controller
Multistar Elite 2204's 2300 kv
12A ZTW Spider OPTO ESC's
5x3 / 6x3 props
Selection of 3S batteries from 1300 - 2200 Mah

The eventual aim is to go short range FPV as I already have an mobius



I've heard people gripe about setting up the CC3D. I run a multiwii so that's all I know is some of the comments I've read. From what I understand, opto ESCs do not have a BEC output wire so you will need to get a UBEC to power your FC.
