Sick of not having Telemetry, possible Workarounds.


Drone Enthusiast

whatever is brewing in the DJI kitchen price wise for the new upgrade for waypoint WKM view, flight instrument board etc. i am already considering that this wont be an option for me.
I really don't want to carry around a notebook when flying already knowing that most notebooks will give me zero display in sunlight.

I would love just to mount some sensors temperature for the FETs and voltage, but S-bus Futaba is the next obstacle not having a solution for a data feed channel back. As far as i understand
they are coming out with a solution, but than in combination with a complete radio system and not a standalone display box.

I guess there are solutions out there like a second Jeti setup compatible sensors etc. or a eagle tree approach, but i am not sure about a data link to an external display with this.

Does one of you have a idea how a affordable approach could look like ?




I have a solution for you, just wear a burka over the laptop and you can still see the copter through the veil :)

View attachment 1400

Unfortunately even on set we use a big black cloth over ourselves to see in the sunlight, either that or a screen hood shade, but that doesnt help much either.


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Drone Enthusiast
haha japp maybe a DJI burka will be available.

Nah i am going to find a way i want a small display at my remote like the JETI MK setup just giving me the basic info.

May the UNIlog2 in combination with Unidisplay and Xbee can be a solution lets see.



Drone Enthusiast
japp that might be a nice approach, get my video downlink setup some osd solution with some sensors and thats it.

I am just wondering with there data downlink wkm view instrument board, how FVP pilots show use this system. Wonder if they thought of it ?

The Seagull from ET will give you something similar to Jetti Box.
That one eye display doesn't work very well.
It's hard to go back and fro between third person view and first.


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Andre,

I was thinking about the eagle tree solution but it is quite heavy and pricey.
Might got the uni components way. Give me temp ESC bat voltage A being used and everything either life display and/or sd card log.
Little shaky if it will work with xbee lets see.

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I suppose that the UNI beats the ET for weight and i assume price.
I can't believe how much hardship you put up with already to get your okto going.
I've followed a similar path with a small quad but not as costly and i imagine frustrating.
I'm waiting on my Herkules II to come from Holland.Hopefully i wont go through what you did.
Good luck with the big bird.You earned it way beyond the call of duty.


Drone Enthusiast
ja well its getting there. Im starting to wonder though why it was become so complex and buggy the whole thing. Actually its a clean and simple setup. The other birds I was building were much faster builds and i wasn't concerned about details messy wiring etc. Guess just bad luck.


I read in the rcg thread, the WKM view will be free (I could be wrong, I think sidneyw was the one who mentioned about that).
Just need to buy the 500 bucks radios. For me that should be enough :D


Drone Enthusiast
Yeah lets see what will actually be the prices on this downlink radio system. But even if i would be possible to get the data down on your own xbee setup i dont want to have my telemetry data on a notebook. They dont seem to get the point and what about fpv any osd option etc.
