Roee from Phobotic..the MRF Interview!


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Hi everyone,

If you haven't heard, there's a new brushless gimbal controller on the market from a company called Phobotic. They're located just outside Tel Aviv, Israel and their product line actually consists of two brushless gimbal controllers, the Centerpiece and the Centerpiece HV. Both use the same proprietary firmware providing comparable results but the HV runs at higher voltages and currents allowing it to handle larger gimbals/cameras.

I had the opportunity to travel to Tel Aviv where I sat down with Roee Tuval, a founding member of the Phobotic team. We talked for approximately thirty five minutes and it's presented here for your review. Please feel free to post questions as the Phobotic team is active here at the site.

Apologies in advance for the poor sound quality. We were pressed for time and I didn't have better audio equipment with me so the location we chose turned out to be poor as far as audio goes. It was pretty good though in other ways!

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New Member
Sound is clear enough, although it gets out of sync a few minutes from the end and after that lipreading and listening gets a little harder. :)

Any chance you could repost a corrected version before too many people link it (or put a link on this to the fixed one)?
