Recomendations for batteries


Hello, for my f550 i´m think of buying these batteries (Turnigy nano-tech 2200mah 3S 45~90C Lipo Pack). What do you think ? any recomendations regarding other batteries ? thanks


that helped a lot thanks. My only doubt now is: based on your experience (that i don´t have ) for a standard f550 with a cam like the gopro should a get one/two 2200 or a 5000 ? how much flight time on average can i get ?


I fly with SkyLipos 5000 4s. I get 9 minutes a flight with GoPro and some extra equipment on the F550. If you use two batteries, you have the hassle of connecting them up in parallel plus the fact you have to use two of your charger ports to recharge the batteries.


thanks. i was looking at turnigy lipos. anyone knows where i can buy them in Europe ? Also just to clarify , afaik 4s have more power than 3s is that the only advantage ? any cons ?


I have this:
Hyperion 4s 3300 35C flighttime 9 min. 2800mah used
Turnigy 4s 3000 flightime 8 min. 2600Mah used
Turnigy nano-tech 4s 5000 not used yet. think/hope 12/13 minutes.

I do not use lipo's in paralel, it's a bid tricky. Since my hexa doesn't glide I take no risk.

I think the flight-time with a 2200Mah will be to short, around 6 minutes.
Usually I am near the landing-spot a minute before.

See my signature for the set-up

You can buy some types at the warehouse in Germany.
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thanks . so i might go for the nanotech 4s . any special caution with a 4s versus a 3s or is just a matter of voltage ?
