It flys fine till I use GPS then after about 30sec in a hover it flips upsidedown. Did the GPS calibration and the IMU also updated the firmware right out of the box. LED 's show that it's working.


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it's hard to say, i'm not personally familiar although it looks a lot like a NAZA!

how long have you had it and has it ever been crashed? DJI had a lot of GPS problems and even when everyone thought that they were fixed they weren't.

how long has that flight control system been available?

IM not sure got mine in May of 2015, Have had a Naza V1 since August of 2013 and never had any problems with it.Updated it to V2 and tested it on my hex,rigged up a servo with a switch on one motor to stop it in flight and was able to fly it back on five motors.


I haven't seen too many happy users of the Atlas.

RcTimer makes a good version of the Px called the "FixHawk" though.


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i didn't want to say that but a quick scan of google results and that was the impression that I got also.

It's not a total loss it fly's my quad so I put a mix in my radio to do flips with it.Another switch is mixed in with the flight mode so it's in atti then when I move the aileron or elevator stick it goes into manual mode when the stick is back on center it's in atti mode. I can turn the mix off and on.


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That's a good idea with the stick based mixing. I had suggested a while back to mix throttle to gains so as the throttle is reduced the gains would dial up a little for better descending control. I don't know if anyone ever tried it though

Put the throttle to gain mix on a switch so you can turn it off and on. Get two mistakes high and turn it on you can always bail out by turning the mix off.The radios we have today are off the chart with the functions the have.My first radio was a Heathkit Built the transmitter,receiver. and servos then took it to the television shop and tuned the frequency in.


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very cool, guys were still building and flying Heathkit radios when I was starting out.

that's a good idea to put the mix on a switch so it could be shut off but also so the effect of the mix could really be observed on and off through a few test flights.
