Quad Spinning on Take-off


Just got my H-Quad (KK 2.0 w/ 1.6FW) up today and it was spinning like a top. I had the same problem with my X450 but that was due to the props installation and was fixed. Could this be the same thing? This dyslexia is pissing me off...
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did you test it before trying to fly ?

hold the quad in your hand, apply a bit of power, then, if you twist the quad to the left, does it try to resist, or does it try to go left even faster ?

if so, you need to either reverse your motors, and props, or swap your yaw settings in the flight controller

second test, if you push your transmitter yaw stick to the left, what happens ?

Yes it could be. Either props on incorrectly, or ESCs not wired for correct direction, or a motor spinning too fast or slow or not at all. The first two of those can easily be checked on the ground.
