PRQ250 FPV - Proximity Racing Quadcopter 250 FPV - My first multi rotor project


New Member
Well this is my first post on the forum so thought Id best make it intersting!
Here is what I'm calling the PRQ250 FPV - Proximity Racing Qaudcopter

So a bit of back story to me getting into designing this quad!!
Well I'm a general RC fanatic who has been quite involved in racing off road rc along with running a small secondary company/hobby extension making and selling hop ups and doing custom cnc machining for other. I have a father and despite having follwed the scene and techonlogy for the last couple of years I had until now resisited taking the plunge (I knew it would be another RC money pit
). I've flown by my father (who is fpv and flying rc mad) and other friends quads, heli's and planes but had never quite got the bug before.

But my father after being completely taken by the idea of fpv racing has managed to get me hooked about a mounth ago by purchasing me one of the hobbyking 250FPV setups for my birthday (32nd). This is in the idea of settin up an air racing track alongside the Astro turf Car track we have on his property.

So now as soon as I knew I had that coming My research began and my brain started ticking. And this is what I've come up with after a no. of iterations so far.
I'll write another post with details about the design in a minute.

Interested in the experts views, ideas and advise. Hope you like it so far
