Prop Install Questions


Complete noob questions here.
First, how tight should the prop be on the propeller shaft?
I have some T-Motor MT-2216’s for which I bought some Graupner 9 x 5’s and some APC’s. The Graupners have a metal adapter which fit snugly into the prop, but are just ever so slightly loose on the shaft. There is the tiny amount of play there, but I would think you wouldn’t want any at all. Is this ok, and if not, how do I rectify?
Now onto the APC’s. They came with their own plastic adapters, but neither of them fit well. One is still way too big, and the other too small. I could probably force the small one on, but it probably won’t come back off. Do I install the small one and then ream it out to fit?
Last question – The installation order isn’t clear to me. Does it go prop, then conical washer (concave side toward prop), nut, then spinner?
I lied, one more - I think I read somewhere that you go finger tight plus another 1/4 turn, is that right?
Thanks the help.
