Mikrokopter Power cable routing & affect on Nav board


Drone Enthusiast
I just done the test with my Overlander 5000mah 4 cells. Its fine if they are laid flat but if I have them on there side like I have them on my copter I get a 10º drift west on a compass placed on the battery. But when I check the compass on the jeti box its fine.. Its defo worth checkin though.

One of the things I have done to my wiring is kept it all as short as possible and sleeved it in nylon braid so the power wires and motor wires as as tight together as possible.

Power cables in braid below



Heli's & Tele's bloke
After I saw that video a couple of weeks back I was happy to pay the extra for the pricey Vislero packs. Had to smile when the caption read 'a similar pack from another manufacturer' (plug, plug!).

After the initial MRC baptism with the MK Octo I bought an AD-8 and filled it up with the same MK stack plus an I2C isolator board. I also wanted bullet connectors on the motor leads, so that individual booms could be removed without a soldering iron, and this meant that the boom mounted LED cables also had to be unplug-able. In addition there are two extension PCB's supplying 12v direct, 12v switched and 5v direct to an array of pin connectors on veroboard for powering LED's, possibly Superlights later, maybe downlink Tx (although that will probably have a dedicated and separate 3S LiPo) and the isolator board. Isolating the I2C feeds from each BL called for even more non-standard stuff and so as a result the whole installation is not nearly as neat and tidy as the bog-standard Octo build. There is a regular old spaghetti of wires under the stack so heaven knows what stray fields are being created.

I will get some pics done.

Initial flights have been trouble-free, I just hope nothing falls off any of those infamous MK boards.


Active Member
It's a shame he never repeated the test with the cables twisted together? But its scarey to think that there is no way of escaping the magnetic influence of electricity...I don't know if placing a metal sheild over the FC board & everything below; just leaving the navi & gps outside the metal sheild would make any difference?

