Placing batteries low for lower centre of gravity?


Has anyone tried fixing batteries low (close to landing gear level) to drop the centre of gravity down? I think that would possibly aid in craft stability.I would love to know if anyone has tried that and has any result to tell. If not I'll try it mself.


Active Member
I don't believe that deliberately lowering the centre of gravity has any positive benefit. The so-called "pendulum effect" is a misunderstanding of the physics involved (there is no fixed pivot point). What it will do is increase the moment of inertia on the pitch and roll axes, therefore slowing the reactions of the frame (both to disturbance and to correction). I wouldn't call that an improvement to stability but rather a "masking" of the real problems.

Nevertheless, there may be some advantage in strapping the batteries to the camera gimbal (and/or the landing gear if it is integral to the gimbal): increasing the mass of the isolated object should improve the performance of whatever anti-vibration devices link it to the main frame.


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I had two 5000mah 4S packs on the legs of an MKTR that was carried by an MK Okto II. It didn't hurt my ability to fly it and it did seem to mellow out the camera mount although adding that much weight to a camera mount that might not be designed for it can cause new problems. In the case of the MKTR it put a lot of pressure on grommets and the soft rubber mounts that couldn't handle the load and that prompted a number of tweaks to bring it all together. It can be something of a long process when you start making changes.
Hope that helps,


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a side issue with a low CoG, relating to battery life, if the CoG is low, and your multi needs to hold at an angle to keep position in the wind, it will need more power to do so , also during normal flight, or at any time the multi is not dead level, as you are constantly "lifting" all that low weight.
