

Greetings to all. I am new to this forum group (duh) and also new to RC's. I think flying rc's will be a nice hobby and look forward to the experience.



I think I will quickly progress from the hobby stuff into more of the professional direction. I am an avid photographer, I can see where this will offer a whole new direction to photography. I have been looking at drones that will support more of a direction of photography use. There is just a whole lot to learn, the learning curve is rather steep right now, but I am getting more and more understanding of what I might be wanting down line in my pursuits.


Old Man

Active Member
Everyone has to start somewhere, and you came to a forum with a lot of knowledge to learn from. You can take advantage of all of us by asking all the questions you were afraid to ask and end up saving a lot of time and money. You can give back later;) Welcome!


Yes Old Man, you are correct, this forum has a tremendous amount of knowledge and information, I have been reading a LOT of threads. Trying to get used to the terminology and then all the different types of equipment used is a bit overwhelming. I plan to do a lot of reading before I start with
