I have to say well done with the Ronin. You guys take a lot of crap when you get it wrong, but you sure got it right on this one. Today was my first full day on set
with mine, we had a c100, paralynks, lens swaps between 2 different canon wide zooms and it handled the changes flawlessly. Only really needed to autotune once in the morning, and the settings worked well all day so long as we kept balance, but even then we could still zoom out on the lens or flip the monitor up (things that destroy balance) and the motors held the change no sweat. Plus everyone commented on how bitchin it looked!
It impressed the director so much that by the second shot he booked it for a week in idaho! Really hit a home run guys, now about that thumb controller and extra battery's and android app (I did break down and bought a used crappy ipad mini for the bluetooth)...