My setup with Questions (NOOB HERE)


New Member
My FLIP FPV setup with Questions

Well I flew for the first time earlier today. I had about 10 mins flight time and am FULLY HOOKED on quadcopter multirotor flying.

My setup: (Countless hours on the net researching and deciding what to order and build myself)

Total Weight is 2.3kg ready to take off (GoPro and FPV cams w/ 2x 3s 11.1 5000mAh in parallel)

-=- FLIP FPV frame + extra frame piece for custom design (my battery tray idea) and extra carbon piece for camera/GPS tower
-=-DJI Naza V2 w/ powersupply and GPS
-=-Futaba T8FG Super w/ R6208SB running SBUS communication to Naza X3 channel
-=-10x4.5 props
-=-SunnySky 2212 980kv
-=-Tiger T-Motor 30Amp ESC's programmed as follows
Cutoff mode-CutOff
Cutoff Bat Threshold-Low
Start mode-Normal
-=-2x 3cell 11.1V 5000mAh batteries in parallel

FPV Gear
-=-5.8GHz 32ch FPV AV 600mW Trans and Receiver w/ BlueBeam Ultra Antennas
-=-2x FatShark 600TVL CMOS cameras (Front FPV cam and Rear vitals cam)
-=-SmartFPV 3 camera switch
-=-SmartFPV GoPro camera connector (back long tall plug)
-=-GoPro mounted on DIY Camera Gimbal (fixed position at the moment waiting on gimbal controller)

I've taken the FatSharks off the Quad and unplugged the Vid Trans so no power is going anywhere it shouldn't be. I figured this would be safer to learn the flight characteristics first without the cams I can't get to work anyway. I've taken as little off the Quad so it is still 2.2kgs at the moment and close to full decked out weight.

Here are some pictures of the current state of the Quad (blue sky with clouds table cloth) and also some shots of the full build before I removed the FatSharks for the test hits (no table cloth only wood grain).
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I have a few things I would like to ask, but first I would like to give a link of the first couple of flights from the GoPro mounted on the stationary gimbal just for reference. Maybe someone will see something right away.

Here below is the link to the video on my YouTube Channel.

Please copy and paste in new window before reading questions.

QUESTION #1 (Part 1)
I notice that the Quad doesn't have much "PUNCH" when I try and gain altitude. It goes up slowly. I am only flying in GPS hold mode for the moment to get used to the controls, but I feel from what I've seen in videos, I should have more vertical "PUNCH". Is my quad too heavy at 2.3kgs fully loaded and ready to fly for the motor/battery/prop combo I have?
QUESTION #1 (Part 2)
I notice my throttle doesn't pick up until 50%. I move the sticks to start the rotors, and then I have to bring the throttle up to 50%, and then they start to turn. I have the Helicopter version of the Futaba (no spring loaded return to center throttle here, it stays where I put it). I was wondering why this is the case and if it is something I can "tune out" by changing a parameter on the TX itself or within the Naza software somewhere.

I have yet to get my FPV setup to work. I am powering my Vid Transmitter (TS832) from the power distribution board with the 2 Lipos in Parallel (11.4V). From the Trans my VidIn is coming from the SmartFPV switch VidOut (all 3 wires -Black/ +Red/ Signal Yellow). My #1 camera is the Front FPV FatShark 600TVL CMOS cam plugged into Vid1 on the camera switch (all 3 wires). My #2 camera is same type as #1 but facing Rear and plugged into Vid2 on the camera switch (all 3 wires). My #3 cam is GoProHero3 plugged into Vid3 on the camera switch. The Control wires go to Channel 6 on my Futaba R6208SB. I have tried multiple channels on the reciver and trans and still no signal to 2 different monitors that I've plugged reciever into. I know I have paid close attention to polarity and have the correct wires in the correct spots from camera to switch to transmitter. I'm not sure what the problem is though.

Once I get my FPV setup to work, how will I program my switch on the Futaba T8FG Super? Will I have to write a Mix specially for the switch to signal all 3 positions? I notice when I look at On/Off settings when assigning switch to the channel I want (CH6), the options only allow for the switch to be "ON" in 2 of the 3 positions. I'm just wondering how to program it so that the switch will work correctly.

Maybe some pros out there can enlighten me :nevreness: Thanks for your time...


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There are people here with more experience than I have but a couple of things I noticed right away. First of all I would say you are sorely underpowered. I plugged in your values into the ecalc website and it's showing that your hover may be around 80% throttle. In other words your bird weighs to much or you need a different motror/prop combo to generate more thrust. The NAZA, especially in GPS hold mode reservers large amounts of power (exact amounts are probably noted somewhere around here) to maintain position and control. This means you won't have the "punch" you are expecting even if you had the power you needed. Flip into manual mode and you will see a big difference. (Actually don't do that, you may have some serious control issues if this is your first experience with these.) Next up, looking at your video you have balance issue too. Maybe a combination of prop and motors needing to be balanced, and better vibration dampening to the gimbal. You have major jello going on there.

All that being said, your build looks great, beastly and heavy but looks like a fun build.


New Member

What Motor prop combo would you suggest? Would this mean extending the arms so I can get more prop out there, cuz this may be a problem the way the arms come directly out instead of the true "X" pattern. I can get them away from the body more, but I'm not sure how much more wiggle room (between motors 1&4 or 2&3) I'll have front to back. What about pitch? Should I try 10x4.7s or 10x5s? Currently runnin' 10x4.5s now. Should I run one 11.1 5000mAh battery instead of 2 in parallel to cut back on the beef? Stronger motor then? Doesn't a stronger motor mean more weight? And then would I need different ESCs as well due to higher current draw (30Amps now)?

As far as the gimbal, I don't even have a controller hooked up to it yet. It will be better in the future. It has rubber bands around it to hold the motors on a fixed axis (rigged I know) but that will all change when I get the controller and set it up proper like. I have ZERO vibe dampening as of right now for the GoPro so the J-E-L-L-O will go away as well when I change that. I really just wanted to stick the GoPro on it so I could prove to the wifey that it actually flew and I wasn't out drinkin' beer and shootin' pool or something :tennis:

Need DIY way to balance props I guess... recommendations??? I guess I could youtube it. You did mean that I had a harmonic balance issue, and not a front to back or side to side balance issue as in weight distribution right? I sorted the battery mounting out and basically sat the quad on a cone, balancing it perfectly on what I thought was the COG (the crossing point of diagonal lines from odd motors and even motors) and I think that's all correct.

Thanks again for taking the time to read and give input. All is welcome.
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Well I flew for the first time earlier today. I had about 10 mins flight time and am FULLY HOOKED on quadcopter multirotor flying.

My setup: (Countless hours on the net researching and deciding what to order and build myself)

Total Weight is 2.3kg ready to take off (GoPro and FPV cams w/ 2x 3s 11.1 5000mAh in parallel)

-=- FLIP FPV frame + extra frame piece for custom design (my battery tray idea) and extra carbon piece for camera/GPS tower
-=-DJI Naza V2 w/ powersupply and GPS
-=-Futaba T8FG Super w/ R6208SB running SBUS communication to Naza X3 channel
-=-10x4.5 props
-=-SunnySky 2212 980kv
-=-Tiger T-Motor 30Amp ESC's programmed as follows
Cutoff mode-CutOff
Cutoff Bat Threshold-Low
Start mode-Normal
-=-2x 3cell 11.1V 5000mAh batteries in parallel

FPV Gear
-=-5.8GHz 32ch FPV AV 600mW Trans and Receiver w/ BlueBeam Ultra Antennas
-=-2x FatShark 600TVL CMOS cameras (Front FPV cam and Rear vitals cam)
-=-SmartFPV 3 camera switch
-=-SmartFPV GoPro camera connector (back long tall plug)
-=-GoPro mounted on DIY Camera Gimbal (fixed position at the moment waiting on gimbal controller)

I've taken the FatSharks off the Quad and unplugged the Vid Trans so no power is going anywhere it shouldn't be. I figured this would be safer to learn the flight characteristics first without the cams I can't get to work anyway. I've taken as little off the Quad so it is still 2.2kgs at the moment and close to full decked out weight.

Here are some pictures of the current state of the Quad (blue sky with clouds table cloth) and also some shots of the full build before I removed the FatSharks for the test hits (no table cloth only wood grain).
View attachment 20424View attachment 20425View attachment 20426View attachment 20427
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I have a few things I would like to ask, but first I would like to give a link of the first couple of flights from the GoPro mounted on the stationary gimbal just for reference. Maybe someone will see something right away.

Here below is the link to the video on my YouTube Channel.

Please copy and paste in new window before reading questions.

QUESTION #1 (Part 1)
I notice that the Quad doesn't have much "PUNCH" when I try and gain altitude. It goes up slowly. I am only flying in GPS hold mode for the moment to get used to the controls, but I feel from what I've seen in videos, I should have more vertical "PUNCH". Is my quad too heavy at 2.3kgs fully loaded and ready to fly for the motor/battery/prop combo I have?
QUESTION #1 (Part 2)
I notice my throttle doesn't pick up until 50%. I move the sticks to start the rotors, and then I have to bring the throttle up to 50%, and then they start to turn. I have the Helicopter version of the Futaba (no spring loaded return to center throttle here, it stays where I put it). I was wondering why this is the case and if it is something I can "tune out" by changing a parameter on the TX itself or within the Naza software somewhere.

I have yet to get my FPV setup to work. I am powering my Vid Transmitter (TS832) from the power distribution board with the 2 Lipos in Parallel (11.4V). From the Trans my VidIn is coming from the SmartFPV switch VidOut (all 3 wires -Black/ +Red/ Signal Yellow). My #1 camera is the Front FPV FatShark 600TVL CMOS cam plugged into Vid1 on the camera switch (all 3 wires). My #2 camera is same type as #1 but facing Rear and plugged into Vid2 on the camera switch (all 3 wires). My #3 cam is GoProHero3 plugged into Vid3 on the camera switch. The Control wires go to Channel 6 on my Futaba R6208SB. I have tried multiple channels on the reciver and trans and still no signal to 2 different monitors that I've plugged reciever into. I know I have paid close attention to polarity and have the correct wires in the correct spots from camera to switch to transmitter. I'm not sure what the problem is though.

Once I get my FPV setup to work, how will I program my switch on the Futaba T8FG Super? Will I have to write a Mix specially for the switch to signal all 3 positions? I notice when I look at On/Off settings when assigning switch to the channel I want (CH6), the options only allow for the switch to be "ON" in 2 of the 3 positions. I'm just wondering how to program it so that the switch will work correctly.

Maybe some pros out there can enlighten me :nevreness: Thanks for your time...
Man I can't see the video :/ something about it being blocked user rights o.0


New Member
Well I put the old heifer on a diet... a serious diet. I went from 2x 11.1V 5000mAh bats in parallel to a single. I took the battery tray on bottom off and am just using velcro strap now for the single battery. Took off my angled tail and remounted Vid Trans on the rear deck. Remounted the LED front and center on the bottom of the front deck, right under the GoPro. Took gimbal for GoPro off and did a bit of ViBe dampening for re-mount of GoPro on top of front deck with no gimbal. Took off the camera "tower" that was around GPS mount and also removed the 3 camera switch with it too. Gonna try just the GoPro on the vid trans and see what kind of resuts i can get for now.

I'm actually proud to say the old girl went from 2.3kg AUW to now a slim 1.51kg All-up Weight..... Things should act a little more nimble instead of the thing flying like a semi truck and at 80% throttle to hover (which was pretty close). When the weather gets nicer this afternoon, I'll go make a test hit.

Thanks for your time.
Cheers :tennis:
