MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multii pro FC for autonomous quad copter

Hello everyone,

I am currently building a quad copter using the Multiwii Pro Flight Controller w/MTK GPS Module ( , but it has to be fully autonomous. I have been researching about any open source code and have come up empty. I am also using 3 obstacles avoidance sensors. The code needs to read both the trajectory and any obstacle encountered, send the data to the FC, and FC responds accordingly.

Any input about this subject matter is appreciated.



Arducopter, which runs on 3DRs Pixhawk or APM, is already fully autonomous. There has been a lot of talk about sense and avoid but I'm not aware of anyone doing it yet. Arducopter is open source so if someone wants to add that functionality they certainly could. You might want to contact the developers as it's very likely that work has already been done in this area.

Thanks for the reply. I will further look into it. If you happen to have any other info, please don't forget to pass it along.
