Motor Center of Boom on mount

Hey guys,
Firstly wishing everyone a safe and happy Holiday season..

2nd... Im building a Tarot 690 and notice that one of the motor doesn't seem true to center on top of boom (arm). in other words not at 90 degrees. seems a tidbit offset.. will this cause an issue or will the stabilization feature keep it stable.. or will i have to trim to adjust if there is any drift..

or.. should i try to rotate it.. being that the holes come pre-drilled i would have to maybe use a drill or dremel and "elongate" the hole justa bit so i can rotate...

Input greatly appreciated.


Before you drill anything check to be sure that you have a problem. Put the airframe on a level surface, check with a level, and then check the motor mount for level. You don't say which boom is the problem. If it is one of the one's that has the clamp at the center hub then just rotate it a little to level. Start there and one thing at a time.
