M Lite no calibration and rotating


Hey guy I am brand new to mutli-rotors(and this forum) and FINALLY got my DJI F450 with the NAZA M lite airborne... the maiden was not a complete success as I left with two questions.

1)Once airborne it began to spin counter-clockwise with no rudder control in all modes (I was in manual). I was able to trim out most of the spinning.

Any Ideas as to why I have no rudder control?

2) I have my 3 position switch set up with GPS-Alt-Man and am unable to enter the GPS calibration mode on the NAZA system... I must have tried to enter it different 15 times with no luck on my DX7S.
Any ideas as to how to enter the calibration?

Thank you guys so much!

Hey guy I am brand new to mutli-rotors(and this forum) and FINALLY got my DJI F450 with the NAZA M lite airborne... the maiden was not a complete success as I left with two questions.
Welcome to the forum, and welcome to multirotors. I hope your F450+Naza gives you many fun experiences in the years to come!

1)Once airborne it began to spin counter-clockwise with no rudder control in all modes (I was in manual). I was able to trim out most of the spinning.
Any Ideas as to why I have no rudder control?
Did you build it yourself? Or was it RTF from somewhere? I only ask because if RTF, they should have checked it out for you. If you did it yourself, there are a few possibilities.
a) Your transmitter is not sending out zero (or near zero) with the stick centered. On my Futaba I have a screen that I can see what is being transmitted; maybe your Tx has the same.
b) Your Naza is not calibrated. This would go for transmitter calibration (the calibrate button on the Assistant Software screen that shows the commanded input), as well as GPS calibration (which I understand you're having problems with).
c) One of the motors is not spinning as it should. This could be a faulty motor that has a sticking point, or a soldering joint that isn't well done (back to the who soldered it question).

2) I have my 3 position switch set up with GPS-Alt-Man and am unable to enter the GPS calibration mode on the NAZA system... I must have tried to enter it different 15 times with no luck on my DX7S.
Any ideas as to how to enter the calibration?
I have always had problems with this as well. By using the transmitter switches, I can only seem to find the magic touch (speed and number of flips) once in about 10 tries. Thankfully the Bluetooth adapter for my Wookong solved the issue by giving me a way to trigger it without the transmitter. On my Naza, I haven't had to run it recently. But basically I try combinations of just Attitude/GPS toggle 10-15 times, and if it doesn't work, then I got Manual/GPS toggle (going through ATT) 10-15 times. So sadly, as you can see, I don't have any real answers for you on this one other than to keep trying.


Thank you very much!!! This was a ARF kit and the back two motors were spinning in the opposite direction, I switched the wires on the ESC and I'm in business!!

Looks like I will just have to find the right combination of finesse and luck to get it into

Thank you very much!!! This was a ARF kit and the back two motors were spinning in the opposite direction, I switched the wires on the ESC and I'm in business!!
Looks like I will just have to find the right combination of finesse and luck to get it into calibration!
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention checking motor direction... LOL Glad you figured that one out!


Thank you very much!!! This was a ARF kit and the back two motors were spinning in the opposite direction, I switched the wires on the ESC and I'm in business!!

Looks like I will just have to find the right combination of finesse and luck to get it into

I had the same problem. If you are using a Naza lite it requires rapid switching between GPS and MANUAL positions to initiate compass calibration.
