Low Cost multiband RTK GNSS

Jose Sanz

New Member
Hi all,

I would like to share information about our high precision GNSS positioning sensors. Precision of 1-2 cms is achieved at low stabilization time values. Experiments to validate these results are shown in these links:
(base-rover: https://www.ardusimple.com/testing-simplertk2b-accuracy-in-rtk-base-rover-configuration/
standalone + NTRIP: https://www.ardusimple.com/simplertk2b-performance-ntrip-corrections/)

They are using u-blox RTK GPS/GNSS multiband technology connected to all the satellite constellations available and can be connected through USB, UART or Bluetooth directly to your smartphone, tablet or industrial PC. They are prepared to be coupled straight with the following boards: Arduino, RaspberriPi, Xbee or the autopilot module Pixhawk.

You can check at the attached file the prices of our products.

You can use our products at different configurations (standalone board, base-rover, base-multirover, base-heading). Our customers are using them for different applications like topography, drones, tractors, vehicles guiding and positioning and precise heading for ships. I send hereby some interesting links for you:

- Ardusimple use in automatic farming:
- Autopilot based on Ardusimple:
- Ardusimple unboxing and initial check out (video by customer):

We can also study the possibility to work on product adaptations based on your requirements.
Products shipped with DHL, they should get wherever to your location at maximum 2-3 days.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional information. I can forward this and additional information by mail if you share your mail address.

I can offer you a discount code for 1st buys.

Best Regards,

José Sanz
Business Development Manager


  • Ardusimple_prices_Dec2019.pdf
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