Lost NaviCntrl on my Droidworx AD6 Hexacopter - help!


Need help from an experienced Hexacopter/Octocopter flyer using Mikrokopter software. Today I lost NaviCntrl mid fllight (after two ealier successful flights). Started out with a good 8 sat lock and 3D GPS lock. After a few moments I lost NaviCntrl.

There is a red light showing on the NaviCntrl board.
Board HW is v 1.1
Software is v 0.24c dated 02/09/11

Was suggested I re-calibrate the compass using the vimeo tutorial as my guide (vimeo.com/21602317). When I try this I do not get the odd buzzing noise they do in the video while rotating round the various axis. I go through the routine anyway - but makes no difference. I have downloaded and reinstalled the software - no difference.

Is there anyone there who is experienced and has a clue what is up and what I can do?
Live in Wilts UK, so anyone UK based willing to talk on phone would be helpful too.
Hope someone can help. Thanks
