jonseer from Portugal.


Hi all. While you will see I live in sunny Portugal, although not to-day as it is raining, I am English, and moved here to retire with my long suffering wife of 50 summers. From that it is clear that i am a bit long in the tooth, in fact when I made my first control line model sex was safe & flying was dangerous. :shame: So what is an old fellow doing here ? Well, I have been hunting fish most of my adult life, other than shellfish farming for a spell. While i still proudly retain my skippers license, one leg being broken some years ago causes a slow down of activity thus no boat any longer. Recently with my cousin in Australia over Christmas, we were discussing the multi- bladed VTOL models. I thought , maybe an opportunity for zooming around our local bay in the summer dragging line with a small lure and fishing for mackerel. It is really an opportunity for some fun, and who knows, maybe a new fishing scheme. Therefore I am here to learn all i can from all of you before making a fool of myself in public, and I look forward to all the advice available. Best regards Jonseer.
