In Ground Station, what happens if you lose connection(s) mid-flight?

Before I officially make my maiden autopilot launch via Ground Station with my iPad, I am taking every precaution and educating myself first -- especially after I have heard (and seen) how "flight simulator" mode does not work on my iPad mini (which the forums seems to say is to be expected with any iPad using iOS 7.xx). So, that means the first time I hit "go," it will be the real deal. I have stripped off my gimbal and camera to minimize the cost in the air for this first flight, but here are a couple questions I have left that I am seeking your guys' knowledge on:

  1. If I lose connection mid-flight between the iPad and the ground end via bluetooth, what is the response of the craft? (i.e. does it enter fail safe, continue on an uploaded path, stop and hover, etc.)
  2. If I lose connection mid-flight between the ground end and the air end, what is the response of the craft?
  3. Is it true that at any time I can toggle out of GPS mode to regain control with my transmitter?



If you loose connection mid flight your UAV will continue its flight as programmed as the mission is uploaded to the Naza so it carrys out the entire flight as programmed.
Same happens for any connection loss. I find that I sometimes loose signal at 0.5km and sometimes its ok to 2km but it usually kicks in when back in range. I have always used my ground station to launch a mission and then watch from a distance. I always intend to "catch it" so to speak by switching to manual as it returns home...
Yes you can change from manual at any point and you have control... It is usually a good idea to apply the throttle stick before launching with the ipad as you can easily forget that you have no throttle set and then change to manual mode... Although a sudden frighting drop you can quickly recover by increasing throttle.

My advice when starting is to select a safe height... I always wanted to fly at 5-10m and you will find it is not very accurate and takes no account of rising terrain. Use 15-25m height to be safe to start with.

Its a good bit of kit... if a little bit glitchy!

Thanks a ton for the input, especially for the advice about applying throttle in advance (in preparation of jumping back to transmitter control) -- I would have never thought of that and definitely would have needed a new pair of shorts following the unexpected loss of altitude! I am going to try this baby out before the end of the day, thanks!


If you loose connection mid flight your UAV will continue its flight as programmed as the mission is uploaded to the Naza so it carrys out the entire flight as programmed.
Same happens for any connection loss. I find that I sometimes loose signal at 0.5km and sometimes its ok to 2km but it usually kicks in when back in range. I have always used my ground station to launch a mission and then watch from a distance. I always intend to "catch it" so to speak by switching to manual as it returns home...
Yes you can change from manual at any point and you have control... It is usually a good idea to apply the throttle stick before launching with the ipad as you can easily forget that you have no throttle set and then change to manual mode... Although a sudden frighting drop you can quickly recover by increasing throttle.

My advice when starting is to select a safe height... I always wanted to fly at 5-10m and you will find it is not very accurate and takes no account of rising terrain. Use 15-25m height to be safe to start with.

Its a good bit of kit... if a little bit glitchy!

Farmer Fred,
I had to come back into this forum and first of all thank you again for your advice but ALSO let you know that even after your warning I STILL managed to forget about the having some throttle ready for the change over from auto-pilot to my tx. Boy, did she fall fast! Luckily, I instantly remembered what you said and threw up the throttle stick and it recovered and everything was fine. However, I honestly think if I hadn't read your warning first I wouldn't have reacted so quickly -- I probably would have been dumbfounded, panicked, and would have crashed hard. Thanks again!


Glad all was ok!!! We've all done it... And as I said the fright is bad enough but usually recoverable! I've outgrown my f550 so moving all my kit onto a tarot t810 soon! Would want that dropping out the sky!

Just goes ores to show the benefits of these forums :)


The other day my copter suddenly stopped in mid waypoint flight for no reason. I guess it wasn't a lost conection. Thankfully it just loitered and then hit RTH and came back home.


New Member
Hi I recently joined the forum so apologies if this has been answered elsewhere!

if I wanted to buy DJI's ground station gear, does it matter that my iPad air is not 3G compatible it only has wifi? Would I still be able to use the app when out and about?


My iPad air is wifi only and is fine. The only thing to bear in mind is that you load the app with your wifi at home first so the app can cache the maps for where you are going to fly... Or can use an iPhone in the field by tethering but don't forget to turn off wifi!!!! IT CAN CAUSE INTERFERENCE!!!


New Member
My iPad air is wifi only and is fine. The only thing to bear in mind is that you load the app with your wifi at home first so the app can cache the maps for where you are going to fly... Or can use an iPhone in the field by tethering but don't forget to turn off wifi!!!! IT CAN CAUSE INTERFERENCE!!!

Thanks farmerfred. I was hoping for that type of response!! :)
