Mikrokopter I love my MK!


I'm still blown away every time I fly my MKs! My Octo and Hexa XL are purring nicely and I have had the most rewarding flights with them lately. I have both machines working just the way I want them to. It's taken a long time and more money than I care to admit, but very much worth the effort.

I know there is a bit of negative vibe going around about MK and that's fine. I still think they are the sh*t! I will try new platforms all the time for sure, and do own a CC and Multiwii Paris board, and both impress me to no end! Kinda relieved that, for now, I don't feel like I'm caught up having to have the latest gear. My stuff works and I'm making money with what I have.

Just a thumbs up for MK..that's all! Perhaps other MK guys (who aren't ditching their MK gear) can share their experiences (good only!!!) on this thread.


Spiralling out of control

I agree with your statement, I love my MK's. I've had my fair share of problems with 000 jumpers and the like, but all in all I wouldn't be without my quads. They are not perfect but they are bloody good fun.

