I'm curious to see what people reply. I'm using the 600mw & I can't get more than 150 meters out of it. Something is not right there. :-/
I am thinking with the best possible setup you can achieve ranges of 10'-100'. But that's only if you have state of the art blubeam antennas and a diversity board and angle everything correctly with noise isolators, no carbon on your frame and live in the middle of no where.
Terry, what are you using for antennas?
The 5.8Ghz stuff can work pretty well. I'm using some RC305 RX's with corresponding 200mw TX's with cloverleaf, skew wheel and turbine antennas. I've been pushing things out to over 2000' via FPV and it does start to get fuzzy but the image is still usable. Very unforgiving to any carbon or metal obstructions in the way of the signal for sure- especially at that distance. With the gimbal and other crap on the machine I think it would take a three foot mast to really get it up in the clear for any orientation.
i'm new to FPV,getting 600-800yds with stock whips on a 500mw 5.8 setup,above behind and in front.even get decent picture through 4 brick walls at home testing it..
I've got skew planar & cloverleaf as well as the stock whips. Nothing gets me past 150m. I started with just the rx that's built into the Fat Shark goggles, then got an external rx but got the same performance. Right now I'm just using the stock whips as I haven't made the "mod" to my rx that is required to get the bluebeam working right.
This is the mod I'm talking about.. just a resistor that needs to be pulled off the board.
I hear this often and it makes me feel like something is wrong somewhere in my set up. I'm going to look into this again. I've worked on it a couple times over the last year and never got it to a point that I was happy with. I've replaced every bit of gear in the chain at one point or another and still never any further than 150 yds.
I'm wondering if maybe I need to get away from the airwave chip gear (ImmersionRC, Fat Shark) and try some other 5.8 stuff? Jackella, what gear are you using?